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Jason xXx, post: 2152, member: 3 Wrote:Once again the screw over the customers again with such a puny HDD. They put in those small Ass HDD for a reason so people will go out and buy larger and more expensive HDD that have the Microsoft brand on it look at the external 4TB hard-drive with the Microsoft name on it it's $130 or you could go to Amazon and buy a 4TB for $109 and have it do the same thing.

4K is just a waste to me. It's not like you can see the difference between 1080p to 4K.

Not everyone has the luxury of have unlimited data some companys have data caps between 200GB to 1GB and charge you extra for every 50GB you use after hitting the data cap.
YES, i saw a video on this too.

The small HDD i don't think that's the fault of the manufacturer as the small HDD reduces the overall cost of the console.
But i agree 4k is a waste & is pointless to me as well as just ridiculous to push a fad that increases file size so much that internet caps may limit.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
VSW, post: 2193, member: 24 Wrote:The small HDD i don't think that's the fault of the manufacturer as the small HDD reduces the overall cost of the console.
$40-$50 for a 1TB isn't that much 2 years ago it was $100 I remember having to buy one for my laptop.

VSW, post: 2193, member: 24 Wrote:But i agree 4k is a waste & is pointless to me as well as just ridiculous to push a fad that increases file size so much that internet caps may limit.
It's not like people can see the difference unless they are right in front of the TV.

Thats 4X the pixles than 1080p and I don't think there is away to shrink it down unless the tone down the frames but then they wouldn't be the ever so great 4K.
Jason xXx, post: 2206, member: 3 Wrote:$40-$50 for a 1TB isn't that much 2 years ago it was $100 I remember having to buy one for my laptop.

It's not like people can see the difference unless they are right in front of the TV.

Thats 4X the pixles than 1080p and I don't think there is away to shrink it down unless the tone down the frames but then they wouldn't be the ever so great 4K.
Yes but that's for1TB, think of how many terabytes maybe needed so gamers can make game saves & or download full games for 4K.

1TB at 4K gets you 8 or more games, not including an external HDD.
So if microsoft added more than 1TB for the system HDD then the manufacturing cost increases & console cost as well.

Buying an external HDD is cool but still that's money spent either way, so to me 4K isn't worth it at the moment because i'd buy an external HDD for backing up my system not to gain extra save space.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
VSW, post: 2227, member: 24 Wrote:Yes but that's for1TB, think of how many terabytes maybe needed so gamers can make game saves & or download full games for 4K.
Gamesaves aren't that big. At most it could between 5 to 10mb I still have my old Xbox One HDD from when it broke and the only game that took up a lot of save data was fallout 4 because of how much gear and weapons you could stock pile at your base. Doom used about 6mb a save or you could Just keep reusing a old save file.

VSW, post: 2227, member: 24 Wrote:1TB at 4K gets you 8 or more games, not including an external HDD.
That's not accounting for if a game us still receiving updates like gears of War 4 and Halo 5.

VSW, post: 2227, member: 24 Wrote:So if microsoft added more than 1TB for the system HDD then the manufacturing cost increases & console cost as well.
If that is what some people are concerned about then Microsoft should have found a way to fit everything on to a disc or even split the game on to multiple disc yes that's can be annoying but it's better than having to worry about needing more space to play a new game. It's been done on PlayStation 1 with Metal Gear Solid Xbox 360 had a few like dead space 3 I don't think ps3 had to do that since they were using duel layer Blu-ray discs.

VSW, post: 2227, member: 24 Wrote:Buying an external HDD is cool but still that's money spent either way, so to me 4K isn't worth it
I agree but it's something that some people want.
Jason xXx, post: 2230, member: 3 Wrote:Gamesaves aren't that big. At most it could between 5 to 10mb I still have my old Xbox One HDD from when it broke and the only game that took up a lot of save data was fallout 4 because of how much gear and weapons you could stock pile at your base. Doom used about 6mb a save or you could Just keep reusing a old save file.

Were they 4K ?

Jason xXx, post: 2230, member: 3 Wrote:That's not accounting for if a game us still receiving updates like gears of War 4 and Halo 5.

Wait, so it'll be more ?

Jason xXx, post: 2230, member: 3 Wrote:If that is what some people are concerned about then Microsoft should have found a way to fit everything on to a disc or even split the game on to multiple disc yes that's can be annoying but it's better than having to worry about needing more space to play a new game. It's been done on PlayStation 1 with Metal Gear Solid Xbox 360 had a few like dead space 3 I don't think ps3 had to do that since they were using duel layer Blu-ray discs.

Well hopefully they'll be some kinda disc that can hold 4K.
And nope DeadSpace 3 on PS3 is one disc.

Jason xXx, post: 2230, member: 3 Wrote:I agree but it's something that some people want.

I know but is it something people wanting because they truly desire it.

Or people wanting it because the industry tells them they should.

lol Anyway back on topic.

How long do you think lootboxes will be added in games, & do you think the amount will increase for single player games ?
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
VSW, post: 2341, member: 24 Wrote:Were they 4K ?
No just the plan Xbox one saves. I am waiting for my friend to message me back about the save data for the Xbox One X
VSW, post: 2341, member: 24 Wrote:Wait, so it'll be more ?
Halo 5 I have no idea, but Gears is still receiving updates.
VSW, post: 2341, member: 24 Wrote:Well hopefully they'll be some kinda disc that can hold 4K.
Apparently there is a disc that can have quadruple layers that can hold 128GB. But then a few weeks ago the anime movie Your Name was released on 4K and that was ripped directly from the disc with all content and the file was 258GB. So why can they use those same discs to use for games.
VSW, post: 2341, member: 24 Wrote:How long do you think lootboxes will be added in games,
Unfortunately I can see them being in alot of games for the foreseeable future.

VSW, post: 2341, member: 24 Wrote:do you think the amount will increase for single player games ?
I can't think of single-player game besides borderlands that has lootbox in.
But what other games have lootbox in the sense of paying for gear or weapons and so on.

The reason why I bring up borderlands is the lootchest but those aren't pay to get the best gear it's just random drops some times you would have to grind the same chest until you get what you want or farm the same boss for hours.

I think ERSB or whatever it is should go back and classify lootboxs as a form of gambling.

I really hate the fact that this is the new norm for the gaming industry. I thought the point of playing games was to grind to get the stuff you want. That's what made games fun. Now it's let me grab my credit card and buy a bunch of lootboxs and hope I get what I want. Then proceeds to open the boxs aww Man I didn't get what I wanted let's buy some more until I do get what I want.

I miss the good old days where we payed $60 for a game if it's was just released then spending another $20-50 for a seasonpass or even buying certain DLC alone then getting them all.

I don't get how people willingly spends $60 on the game another $20-50 for the season pass then spends god only knows how much more on lootbox & mircotransactions. We as consumers are no longer pay $60 for a games it's hundreds for a game.

It's something that shouldn't be allowed at all.

(The response under your last quote hopefully you can slightly understand what I am trying to say)
Jason xXx, post: 2343, member: 3 Wrote:No just the plan Xbox one saves. I am waiting for my friend to message me back about the save data for the Xbox One X

Ask them if there's also a difference between downloading a full 4K title & just saves from physical disc of a 4K title.

Jason xXx, post: 2343, member: 3 Wrote:Halo 5 I have no idea, but Gears is still receiving updates.

Oh okay.

Jason xXx, post: 2343, member: 3 Wrote:Apparently there is a disc that can have quadruple layers that can hold 128GB. But then a few weeks ago the anime movie Your Name was released on 4K and that was ripped directly from the disc with all content and the file was 258GB. So why can they use those same discs to use for games.

Maybe it's a licensing thing like with BluRay.
So, why, Microsoft, why no Blu-ray player?

Well, aside from the aforementioned costs issues, I'd say Microsoft simply believes, like a lot of other people, that movies should not come on optical discs anymore. And instead of licensing technology from Sony, its archrival--at least when it comes to gaming--it would prefer to have you rent or buy digital versions of movies via Xbox Live.

Jason xXx, post: 2343, member: 3 Wrote:Unfortunately I can see them being in alot of games for the foreseeable future.

Me too, but maybe just maybe they'll eventually be seen as gambling devices & removed.

Jason xXx, post: 2343, member: 3 Wrote:I can't think of single-player game besides borderlands that has lootbox in.
But what other games have lootbox in the sense of paying for gear or weapons and so on.

The reason why I bring up borderlands is the lootchest but those aren't pay to get the best gear it's just random drops some times you would have to grind the same chest until you get what you want or farm the same boss for hours.

I think ERSB or whatever it is should go back and classify lootboxs as a form of gambling.

I really hate the fact that this is the new norm for the gaming industry. I thought the point of playing games was to grind to get the stuff you want. That's what made games fun. Now it's let me grab my credit card and buy a bunch of lootboxs and hope I get what I want. Then proceeds to open the boxs aww Man I didn't get what I wanted let's buy some more until I do get what I want.

I miss the good old days where we payed $60 for a game if it's was just released then spending another $20-50 for a seasonpass or even buying certain DLC alone then getting them all.

I don't get how people willingly spends $60 on the game another $20-50 for the season pass then spends god only knows how much more on lootbox & mircotransactions. We as consumers are no longer pay $60 for a games it's hundreds for a game.

It's something that shouldn't be allowed at all.

(The response under your last quote hopefully you can slightly understand what I am trying to say)

I agree with you.
The SeasonPass price tag was never $20 to $50.
It was at best $10 & then it slowly increased.
Priced at £7.99 / € 9.99 / $9.99, the Season pass will contain the Enter the Dominatrix DLC - which was originally going to be a standalone adventure after beginning life as planned DLC for Saints Row: The Third - as well as a second mission pack due later this year.

2. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided £9.99, Season Pass £7.99

3. DriveClub and Season Pass Only £9.99

4. $9.99. The Evil Within Season Pass.

Now games have a SeasonPass price tag of $20 or more.
XENOVERSE for PS3/360 was $20
Bandai Namco Games and Dimps have revealed that they are already working on three post-launch DLC packs for the upcoming fighter Dragon Ball Xenoverse.

The DLC will add more characters, costumes, and missions. They'll be available individually for $10 USD each, or can be bought together through a Season Pass for $25.

And i also think people that are so willing to pay $60 ++++ for 1 game is either addicted to the trophies/achievements or simply don't care because money is disposable for them.

And that i feel is a serious issue that harms all gamers in the process, & single player games i think the industry will increase the amount of lootboxes & grinding in more & more single player games just to get back close to what they milk from multiplayer gamers & continue seeing how much the gaming industry can get away with.

Apparently it's ALOT ALOT!
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
VSW, post: 2506, member: 24 Wrote:Okay.
Ask them if there's also a difference between downloading a full 4K title & just saves from physical disc of a 4K title.
He finally answered me. He said nothing changed from what he can tell in the size of the save data for a few games. Since he only plays multi-player games. The only games that has increased was the usual like black ops 3 since they like to add more and shit I mean weapons and skins like that cough pay to win.

He's the person that buys his games digitally. He said he has seen a substantial increase in size from what the games uses to be before the whole 4K trend that and updates.

VSW, post: 2506, member: 24 Wrote:Maybe it's a licensing thing like with BluRay.

VSW, post: 2506, member: 24 Wrote:Well, aside from the aforementioned costs issues, I'd say Microsoft simply believes, like a lot of other people, that movies should not come on optical discs anymore. And instead of licensing technology from Sony, its archrival--at least when it comes to gaming--it would prefer to have you rent or buy digital versions of movies via Xbox Live.

i hate Microsoft policies on the digital media they sell besides the games because the games can be transferred from one Xbox to another. But that's not the case for movies and TV shows. If I buy Deadpool from the Microsoft store and a few months later get a new Xbox one my movies wouldn't be transferred over. I would have to re-buy them all.

VSW, post: 2506, member: 24 Wrote:Me too, but maybe just maybe they'll eventually be seen as gambling devices & removed.
I hope so. So far some changes are coming EA either removed or temporarily shut down the lootbox system.

And in Belgium and I think China a investigation into the lootbox as a for of gambling.

VSW, post: 2506, member: 24 Wrote:The SeasonPass price tag was never $20 to $50.
It was at best $10 & then it slowly increased.
Really I didn't know that I never bought a season pass my friend would let me recover his account and get the season pass and dlc.

VSW, post: 2506, member: 24 Wrote:The DLC will add more characters, costumes, and missions. They'll be available individually for $10 USD each, or can be bought together through a Season Pass for $25.
I don't think costumes should cost anything people don't really play a game for the costumes.

But new maps should cost becauseore time has gone into making it. I don't know if all games season passes saves the buyer some money. If you buu the season pass for Cod you save $15 bucks I could be wrong I think maps packs alone are $15 and they release 4 packs in its life span so that's $60 and the season pass is $50.

VSW, post: 2506, member: 24 Wrote:And i also think people that are so willing to pay $60 ++++ for 1 game is either addicted to the trophies/achievements or simply don't care because money is disposable for them.
$60 to me is a little much for a game these days. I just surprised they haven't raised the price for games since they are 4K and all. That's why I wait how until it's on sale to buy a new game or a used game.

VSW, post: 2506, member: 24 Wrote:And that i feel is a serious issue that harms all gamers in the process, & single player games i think the industry will increase the amount of lootboxes & grinding in more & more single player games just to get back close to what they milk from multiplayer gamers & continue seeing how much the gaming industry can get away with.
These days game makers only care about the multi-player side of games because they know they can milk them of money get away with it. They know if New gear or weapons are added into a game people will always choose the easy way and just buy lootboxs or supplydrops and hope they get it.
me too, unless i pre-order a game, pay it off lil by lil, plus i don't have big expenses yet, by how i'm living and i don't have a child, so i'm good for now, i'm just a provider
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
Jason xXx, post: 2616, member: 3 Wrote:He finally answered me. He said nothing changed from what he can tell in the size of the save data for a few games. Since he only plays multi-player games. The only games that has increased was the usual like black ops 3 since they like to add more and shit I mean weapons and skins like that cough pay to win.

He's the person that buys his games digitally. He said he has seen a substantial increase in size from what the games uses to be before the whole 4K trend that and updates.

Yeah see that's why i'm not jumping at 4K.

Jason xXx, post: 2616, member: 3 Wrote:Maybe

Or they don't want to.

Jason xXx, post: 2616, member: 3 Wrote:i hate Microsoft policies on the digital media they sell besides the games because the games can be transferred from one Xbox to another. But that's not the case for movies and TV shows. If I buy Deadpool from the Microsoft store and a few months later get a new Xbox one my movies wouldn't be transferred over. I would have to re-buy them all.

That's lame.
You're buying it under your account so it should transfer.

Jason xXx, post: 2616, member: 3 Wrote:I hope so. So far some changes are coming EA either removed or temporarily shut down the lootbox system.

And in Belgium and I think China a investigation into the lootbox as a for of gambling.

Good, i hope more gamers speak out.

Jason xXx, post: 2616, member: 3 Wrote:Really I didn't know that I never bought a season pass my friend would let me recover his account and get the season pass and dlc.

Oh yeah, SeasonPasses, DLC prices the increase was noticeable.
Extra characters became $7 or more for 1 character.
The Big BlazBlue: Continuum Shift DLC Sale Starts On December 20

Jason xXx, post: 2616, member: 3 Wrote:I don't think costumes should cost anything people don't really play a game for the costumes.

But new maps should cost becauseore time has gone into making it. I don't know if all games season passes saves the buyer some money. If you buu the season pass for Cod you save $15 bucks I could be wrong I think maps packs alone are $15 and they release 4 packs in its life span so that's $60 and the season pass is $50.

I agree, costumes, skins, any cosmetics should be free or unlockable.
And a $50 SeasonPass is too ridiculous.

Jason xXx, post: 2616, member: 3 Wrote:$60 to me is a little much for a game these days. I just surprised they haven't raised the price for games since they are 4K and all. That's why I wait how until it's on sale to buy a new game or a used game.
When 4K becomes the norm then probably.

Jason xXx, post: 2616, member: 3 Wrote:These days game makers only care about the multi-player side of games because they know they can milk them of money get away with it. They know if New gear or weapons are added into a game people will always choose the easy way and just buy lootboxs or supplydrops and hope they get it.
And apparently the industry is using grinding to give that extra incentive.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
VSW, post: 2756, member: 24 Wrote:Yeah see that's why i'm not jumping at 4K.
Same in order to get the full 4K you first have to spend at least a few hundred to a thousand for a 4K compatible TV. So spend around $500 for a 1080p vs $800 to $1,000 plus 4K the choice is simple to me less expensive.

VSW, post: 2756, member: 24 Wrote:That's lame.
You're buying it under your account so it should transfer.
Yes it is that's why I prefer a physical Blu-ray over a Microsoft digital copy.

VSW, post: 2756, member: 24 Wrote:Good, i hope more gamers speak out.
It's a great thing it's about time game companys stop getting away with robbery. It's really messed up that we have to pay more and more money just to have access to content that should already in the game and useable after unlocking it and not paying for it.

VSW, post: 2756, member: 24 Wrote:Oh yeah, SeasonPasses, DLC prices the increase was noticeable.
Extra characters became $7 or more for 1 character.
The Big BlazBlue: Continuum Shift DLC Sale Starts On December 20
That's just crazy.

VSW, post: 2756, member: 24 Wrote:When 4K becomes the norm then probably.
If that's the case then I will buy a console that can play ISO games.

VSW, post: 2756, member: 24 Wrote:And apparently the industry is using grinding to give that extra incentive.
To me the biggest culprit is COD in recent years. They added a form of keys to unlock or get supplydrops but the only problem is that they only give out 2 to 3 keys per match no matter how Good you do. That's then only game in recent years that insane really played with supplydrops. But I have seen my friend Dwight spend $100 and got nothing good most were duplicate.
Jason xXx, post: 2759, member: 3 Wrote:Same in order to get the full 4K you first have to spend at least a few hundred to a thousand for a 4K compatible TV. So spend around $500 for a 1080p vs $800 to $1,000 plus 4K the choice is simple to me less expensive.

I know right, that was also the point of Sony & the Pro.
The PS4 already required gamers to either have or get an HDTelevision, & i didn't have an HDTelevision the time of the PS4's release.
The Pro didn't have an extra subtle incentive behind it from a customer (my) perspective.

And microsoft was pushing an upgraded console making a 4K television even though you don't need it (Should I buy an Xbox One X if I don't have a 4K TV?
) even more tempting for gamers to buy in order to get the full 4K experience.


So I buy a console that gives me a subtle incentive to buy something that's a thousand bucks because i feel i need it for the full experience even though it isn't necessary.

Why i don't care for microsoft.

Jason xXx, post: 2759, member: 3 Wrote:Yes it is that's why I prefer a physical Blu-ray over a Microsoft digital copy.

Yup, why i prefer physical media over digital too.
Physical media it's mine, i own it.
Digital media can get pulled.

BioShock 2 pulled for sale from Steam, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live (update)

Amazing Spider-Man, TMNT Games Pulled From Steam, PSN, and Xbox Stores

[Update] Deadpool And Other Marvel Games Disappear From Steam, Xbox Live, And PSN

So licensing deal or publisher tantrum & a digital copy can disappear.
Like if a gamer didn't have the cash to buy it before then. O'well.

Jason xXx, post: 2759, member: 3 Wrote:It's a great thing it's about time game companys stop getting away with robbery. It's really messed up that we have to pay more and more money just to have access to content that should already in the game and useable after unlocking it and not paying for it.

I agree, & if The Gaming Industry tries getting away with stuff like this then imagine what'll happen if games go digital only.

That would hand The Gaming Industry even more control.

Jason xXx, post: 2759, member: 3 Wrote:That's just crazy.


Jason xXx, post: 2759, member: 3 Wrote:If that's the case then I will buy a console that can play ISO games.
I'll stick with Sony as long as i like them, otherwise there'd have to be a new console manufacturer that really sings to me.
And so-far there's none.

Jason xXx, post: 2759, member: 3 Wrote:To me the biggest culprit is COD in recent years. They added a form of keys to unlock or get supplydrops but the only problem is that they only give out 2 to 3 keys per match no matter how Good you do. That's then only game in recent years that insane really played with supplydrops. But I have seen my friend Dwight spend $100 and got nothing good most were duplicate.

OMG Really ?
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
VSW, post: 2974, member: 24 Wrote:The PS4 already required gamers to either have or get an HDTelevision, & i didn't have an HDTelevision the time of the PS4's release.
I just hate how they forced us consumers to get a HD TV in order to play the console. It's not like it would have cost more to add a av port of that's what it's called the red white yellow cords.

VSW, post: 2974, member: 24 Wrote:And microsoft was pushing an upgraded console making a 4K television even though you don't need it (Should I buy an Xbox One X if I don't have a 4K TV?
) even more tempting for gamers to buy in order to get the full 4K experience.


So I buy a console that gives me a subtle incentive to buy something that's a thousand bucks because i feel i need it for the full experience even though it isn't necessary.
That's just nonsense to me if I buy something I should be expecting to get what I paid for without having to buy a really expensive TV Just to get the full experience. Even if one buys a One X the games will look slightly better because of the upscaling and that is without a $800 plus TV. People are obsessed with picture perfect games. And I don't understand it. 1080p still is beautiful to me. I spent $250 for my Xbox one S and another $375 for my TV and my stupid friend Dwight bought the One X for $500 day One I believe another $925 for a 4K TV so my total was $625 not including tax his total was $1,425 no tax. Which would you choose.

VSW, post: 2974, member: 24 Wrote:Yup, why i prefer physical media over digital too.
Physical media it's mine, i own it.
Digital media can get pulled.
It's way better to actually see your collection of movies or games then seeing pictures on a screen I will always be this way.
VSW, post: 2974, member: 24 Wrote:So licensing deal or publisher tantrum & a digital copy can disappear.
Like if a gamer didn't have the cash to buy it before then. O'well.
I know all about it I was going to buy serious Sam 3 from the Xbox store but they pulled and delisted so I can buy it but I can buy the first 2 games. I even tweeted cryo the team behind serious Sam and they told me Microsoft pulled it for some reason and they don't even know why.

VSW, post: 2974, member: 24 Wrote:agree, & if The Gaming Industry tries getting away with stuff like this then imagine what'll happen if games go digital only.

That would hand The Gaming Industry even more control.
That's the day I will dread.

VSW, post: 2974, member: 24 Wrote:I'll stick with Sony as long as i like them, otherwise there'd have to be a new console manufacturer that really sings to me.
And so-far there's none.
There's really only 3 choices Microsoft PlayStation or PC.

VSW, post: 2974, member: 24 Wrote:OMG Really ?
Yep they have a set system that awards 2 to 3 keys a game no matter your score.

They over saturated the system with worthless crap and duplicates are very common in the COD system.
Kwa, post: 2651, member: 6 Wrote:@jay
me too, unless i pre-order a game, pay it off lil by lil, plus i don't have big expenses yet, by how i'm living and i don't have a child, so i'm good for now, i'm just a provider
Sorry i haven't invited you to XENOVERSE yet, i had to start over from Day 1.

I mean get everything over again.

I've created two characters & i'm level 82 now so i'll invite you real soon, tonight if you see me on & if you want we can do a few quests.

Jason xXx Wrote:I just hate how they forced us consumers to get a HD TV in order to play the console. It's not like it would have cost more to add a av port of that's what it's called the red white yellow cords.

I don't think it would've either but HD is the thing & like internet The Gaming Industry feels that EVERYONE has an HDTV or the internet, so anyone lagging behind on anything is screwed.

Jason xXx Wrote:That's just nonsense to me if I buy something I should be expecting to get what I paid for without having to buy a really expensive TV Just to get the full experience. Even if one buys a One X the games will look slightly better because of the upscaling and that is without a $800 plus TV. People are obsessed with picture perfect games. And I don't understand it. 1080p still is beautiful to me. I spent $250 for my Xbox one S and another $375 for my TV and my stupid friend Dwight bought the One X for $500 day One I believe another $925 for a 4K TV so my total was $625 not including tax his total was $1,425 no tax. Which would you choose.
The PS4-Pro lol.
I would not be paying no $1,425 in a single shot...............Nooooooope!

Jason xXx Wrote:It's way better to actually see your collection of movies or games then seeing pictures on a screen I will always be this way.

Me too cause as a customer with physical media i feel more in control & i feel i actually own it & it feels like it's mine.

Jason xXx Wrote:I know all about it I was going to buy serious Sam 3 from the Xbox store but they pulled and delisted so I can buy it but I can buy the first 2 games. I even tweeted cryo the team behind serious Sam and they told me Microsoft pulled it for some reason and they don't even know why.

It's always some legal BS loophole allowing whomever to do with as they please or can with digital media.

Jason xXx Wrote:That's the day I will dread.

That's the day i might quit playing altogether.

Jason xXx Wrote:There's really only 3 choices Microsoft PlayStation or PC.

PC I wouldn't play games on, i'd be doing other things with it.

Jason xXx Wrote:Yep they have a set system that awards 2 to 3 keys a game no matter your score.

They over saturated the system with worthless crap and duplicates are very common in the COD system.

To keep gamers grinding i guess.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
VSW, post: 3132, member: 24 Wrote:I don't think it would've either but HD is the thing & like internet The Gaming Industry feels that EVERYONE has an HDTV or the internet, so anyone lagging behind on anything is screwed.
Shoot if the TV I got for my parents last year wasn't so cheap they still would be using a SDTV. I remember when I first hooked it up they didn't like the clarity of the picture.
I just hope the same doesn't happen with the unnecessary 4K.
They need to understand not everyone has the luxury of having a HDTV or Internet.

VSW, post: 3132, member: 24 Wrote:The PS4-Pro lol.
I would not be paying no $1,425 in a single shot...............Nooooooope!
I wait until it goes on sale. Or buy used with warranty.

VSW, post: 3132, member: 24 Wrote:Me too cause as a customer with physical media i feel more in control & i feel i actually own it & it feels like it's mine.
And this way I can bring it with me if I want and lend it to friends without any problems. Unlike digital where you need a internet connection to download what you want. And in time I could sell my collection and get money for it instead of getting nothing.

VSW, post: 3132, member: 24 Wrote:Exactly.
It's always some legal BS loophole allowing whomever to do with as they please or can with digital media.
yep it's not making sales so let's pull it. It's not like it was taking up much space.

VSW, post: 3132, member: 24 Wrote:That's the day i might quit playing altogether.
That or get out the classics

VSW, post: 3132, member: 24 Wrote:PC I wouldn't play games on, i'd be doing other things with it.
That's the good thing about PC you can do other things while waiting for the game to download or load.

VSW, post: 3132, member: 24 Wrote:To keep gamers grinding i guess.
That or have them pay.
Jason xXx, post: 3148, member: 3 Wrote:Shoot if the TV I got for my parents last year wasn't so cheap they still would be using a SDTV. I remember when I first hooked it up they didn't like the clarity of the picture.
I just hope the same doesn't happen with the unnecessary 4K.
They need to understand not everyone has the luxury of having a HDTV or Internet.

I agree with that, but i think there's the possibility of relevance.

I think consoles as a way of keeping relevant is by tying together as closely as possible internet & HD or 4K television as requirements so they can keep up with PC Gaming.

Think PC Gaming already has internet, HD & or 4K monitors.
Consoles only has quick & easy setup & convenience.

I hate HD is a requirement for the PS4, & 4K is getting pushed but it becomes pointless creating something as powerful as the PS4, XBOX ONE, & still use SD. Especially PC Gaming is running games on HD & 4K monitors.

Jason xXx, post: 3148, member: 3 Wrote:I wait until it goes on sale. Or buy used with warranty.

I know right, i buy any electronics with warranties.

Jason xXx, post: 3148, member: 3 Wrote:And this way I can bring it with me if I want and lend it to friends without any problems. Unlike digital where you need a internet connection to download what you want. And in time I could sell my collection and get money for it instead of getting nothing.


Jason xXx, post: 3148, member: 3 Wrote:yep it's not making sales so let's pull it. It's not like it was taking up much space.
Or some development studio gets upset with a platform.

Jason xXx, post: 3148, member: 3 Wrote:That or get out the classics

I'd look for & buy older physical copies.

Jason xXx, post: 3148, member: 3 Wrote:That's the good thing about PC you can do other things while waiting for the game to download or load.

Yea but i wouldn't bother buying games.

Jason xXx, post: 3148, member: 3 Wrote:That or have them pay.

Yup, that's lootboxes for ya.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
VSW, post: 3173, member: 24 Wrote:I think consoles as a way of keeping relevant is by tying together as closely as possible internet & HD or 4K television as requirements so they can keep up with PC Gaming.
PC has always been a few steps above consoles in recent years. But with the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X they are getting close to where the graphics are on PC. But consoles may not have all the options that PC have with game setting changing how game looks and feels. On PC you can change the game from low quality to look like SD all the way the ultra HD. On consoles it's all set to a basic setting.

VSW, post: 3173, member: 24 Wrote:Consoles only has quick & easy setup & convenience.
That may be true on anything that came before Xbox 360 and ps3. Remember not everyone has a internet connection which is required to even set up the ps4 and Xbox one.

VSW, post: 3173, member: 24 Wrote:I hate HD is a requirement for the PS4, & 4K is getting pushed but it becomes pointless creating something as powerful as the PS4, XBOX ONE, & still use SD. Especially PC Gaming is running games on HD & 4K monitors.
But the PC you can make it look SD buy tweaking game settings.
I do to don't like the pushing HD on just like 4k.

VSW, post: 3173, member: 24 Wrote:I know right, i buy any electronics with warranties.
Same even more so if it's over $100.

VSW, post: 3173, member: 24 Wrote:Or some development studio gets upset with a platform.
With some games yes but in my case it Microsoft being a Ass.
VSW, post: 3173, member: 24 Wrote:Yup.
I'd look for & buy older physical copies.
That's why everyone should keep the classics like I do if you do manage to find a classic game chances are it's over priced.
Jason xXx, post: 3274, member: 3 Wrote:PC has always been a few steps above consoles in recent years. But with the PS4 Pro and Xbox One X they are getting close to where the graphics are on PC. But consoles may not have all the options that PC have with game setting changing how game looks and feels. On PC you can change the game from low quality to look like SD all the way the ultra HD. On consoles it's all set to a basic setting.

In terms of the flexibility in switching out parts yes i agree.

Anything is going to be steps ahead when it has the hardware capabilities of being upgraded with new & better parts.
You drop a few canisters of nitro, switch out the parts of a 2JZ Nissan 240sx & it's not necessarily the car that's steps ahead but the parts applied to it.

However as i said the HD & 4K keeps the consoles that much more relevant, & it's almost pointless having great graphics on consoles & not apply HD or 4K capabilities.

Jason xXx, post: 3274, member: 3 Wrote:That may be true on anything that came before Xbox 360 and ps3. Remember not everyone has a internet connection which is required to even set up the ps4 and Xbox one.

Only if you want to go online & buy digital otherwise physical disc can be popped in & played unless they're online only.

Jason xXx, post: 3274, member: 3 Wrote:But the PC you can make it look SD buy tweaking game settings.
I do to don't like the pushing HD on just like 4k.

Yes but PC as you said have that option, consoles don't.
If consoles didn't have HD, or even S-video capabilities, i doubt gamers would want consoles passed the PS2.

Jason xXx, post: 3274, member: 3 Wrote:Same even more so if it's over $100.

Especially consoles & HD televisions.

Jason xXx, post: 3274, member: 3 Wrote:With some games yes but in my case it Microsoft being a Ass.

I agree 100%
The 360 microsoft was an Ass.

Microsoft didn't want games for thd 360 if the PS3 version was better, so development studios would have to either make them look as good on both, or 360 gets the better version.

Jason xXx, post: 3274, member: 3 Wrote:That's why everyone should keep the classics like I do if you do manage to find a classic game chances are it's over priced.

I know right.
I wish i could get a few japanese games though.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.

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