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OMG Just call it Tips, STOP CALLING IT LIFE HACKS. It does not make you sound progressive.

"One Hack you could do." Grrrrr! Just say Tips

2. OMG I don't need/want characters to look like Me!
I don't need, I never needed any fictional characters to look like me just for me to be inspired. I never saw that when I read comics or played video games. And I grew up around the Atari 2600.

I never thought to myself why don't Batman, Superman, WonderWoman, Hulk, Spiderman, SuperGirl, etc look like me.
My thoughts were which villain going to take them out.

What gets my interest is when some attractive TV star uses them, & not some actor that looks like my neighbor.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
Thinking about it & I have a much better fitting title for my rant.

Emotional support pets, safe spaces, force diversity everywhere, celebrities being forced to apologize for crap they've done or said 5+ years ago.
People holding press conferences because some lady mistakenly accused a kid of taking her phone, or someone calling the cops because another person is black.

News Media spouting the words SOCIAL distancing, others on TV using the term life HACKS, Star Bucks requiring employees to take sensitivity training, posted social media comments, images, videos, etc all getting News Media attention.
People/Users online actually speaking their minds expressing themselves & not going with the herd mentality get shamed.
Those crying diversity are deemed Leftist, while those that protect statues are right wing.
The Government & Big Tech.
Having teenagers speaking for the environment.

Looking at how the world is running & what I've notice, I can see we've been put in The Matrix.

It use to be use vs them, Online Users vs the world.
Social Media vs Government

With all that+ going on I've realized that News Media & Politics has stuck their finger in our tasty fruit loops.

Social Media users rarely ever spoke about politics, or presidents....Not before 2016 anyway.
Don't be fouled but it wasn't Social Media that caused this Social Climate BS.
It was the freaking News Media.

Our petty squabbles & nonsense arguments the News Media figured out how to twist, provoke, tick off, & Troll the entire Social Media crowd.
News Media/Politics manipulate Online Users & turn them against each other, causing a divide.
The little hissy fits Users had over feminism corrupting gaming, PC vs Console, Gaming Reviews vs Gamers, Online Gamers cursing each other out over open mics, etc etc & so-on.
The News Media started manipulating us by using that against us & we bought it hook line & sinker as believing there's far more Online haters, racists, sexists, immature creeps, then there actually are.

And what made it worst is that Politics jumped in & got involved.
Politics are always first to blame either the left or right no matter the News outlet.

We gotta stop buying into their BS manipulation.
Social Media Users gotta get out of their Matrix.
Just look closely to how Politicians & News Journalists speak & what the stories of interests are.

Before a few years ago the Social Media Crowd wasn't a thing to either Politicians or News Journalists, now we're being brainwashed into thinking the world revolves around us, yet it's Politicians & or News Journalists that shape everything.

[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
Well all I can say is that them fuckers need to keep thier fingers out of my fruit loops!

All kidding aside tho, most of it was the media nonsense because of Trump's shit, once he got his thumbs hooked into thier prospective shorts it was done...
In Trump they had a superstar that garunteed them ratings and sales along with all that donor money and piety that they needed.
Redbear, post: 45648, member: 1 Wrote:Well all I can say is that them fuckers need to keep thier fingers out of my fruit loops!

All kidding aside tho, most of it was the media nonsense because of Trump's shit, once he got his thumbs hooked into thier prospective shorts it was done...
In Trump they had a superstar that garunteed them ratings and sales along with all that donor money and piety that they needed.
I somewhat agree, I think Trump was part of the already existing manipulation by Mainstream Media.
I think Trump was another easy go to for Media Journalism in swaying Online Users to think a particular way.

Feminism, Gender politics, pro-nouns, masks, voter fraud, the over abundance of streaming services, the complete disregard of reasonable commonsense.
Like I said it's not just left or right but both sides of politics that's in on pulling our strings, either side use those issues & more to Troll us & to spark conflicts getting Online Users to pick a side & turn on the other.

I've never seen so many Mainstream Media icons use so many progressive or internet terms in the past few years.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
The world is backwards, I've said this before but the self righteous BS spouted by virtue signaling A-holes aren't coming across like they think.
The supposedly woke are completely asleep.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
Jumpin Jeezus..Meghan is really out of touch with reality....
Redbear, post: 45977, member: 1 Wrote:Jumpin Jeezus..Meghan is really out of touch with reality....
But she's right.
When it comes to schools forcing kids to take part in these so-called education programs & when it comes to reason vs unreasonable, I agree with her on it.
One can't shout I believe in diversity, equality & then shame others because into having the same ideals or dare speak for a person of color & make claims on their behalf when not asked to do so.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
I do not agree with what the teachers are trying to convey in teaching from thier personal lives or politics, religion, whatever it boils down to,but she's a nutcase, always has been as I can tell,
I come from a different era, I went to public schools where they taught you the basics and safety measures of firearms, prejudice and racism was around, and bullies reigned supreme still,which I didn't like and took perverse pleasure in catching them all alone, which might explain some things about me,
Today people are seriously oversensitive and make large issues out of small and vice versa, personally I can't wait till it's in it's course.
Redbear, post: 46017, member: 1 Wrote:I do not agree with what the teachers are trying to convey in teaching from thier personal lives or politics, religion, whatever it boils down to,but she's a nutcase, always has been as I can tell,
I come from a different era, I went to public schools where they taught you the basics and safety measures of firearms, prejudice and racism was around, and bullies reigned supreme still,which I didn't like and took perverse pleasure in catching them all alone, which might explain some things about me,
Today people are seriously oversensitive and make large issues out of small and vice versa, personally I can't wait till it's in it's course.
I agree with you on that, Political Correctness, cancel culture, shouldn't be part of the teaching curriculum but the problem is that it's not just teachers teaching their own personal opinions but teachers teaching the opinions of the school board, Politicians, Media, who believe that stupid Political Correctness, cancel culture, certain Political Views, Gender Politics, etc all should be.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.

There's so much BS I can't help it.
They go out of their way to cherry pick stories to save & report on at a much more opportune time to rile people up as much as possible.
I mean seriously there's a news story of a man & woman accused of sexual abuse at catholic girl's home that happened last year...6Months ago last year they are just now reporting on, yet from that till now BS stories like some female gymnast getting high scores or a cute dog doing this that etc. That's more important or pressing.
The News really knows how to pick out the perfect moments of past News to bring out & dust off certain stories that will stir up collective emotions from people watching.

Manipulation at it best, it reminds me of how wrestlers manipulate fans into chanting certain things.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
Has anyone heard of this story????

BREAKING|Oct 1, 2020,09:08pm EDT
Kimberly Guilfoyle Reportedly Accused Of Sexually Harassing Assistant At Fox News
Rachel Sandler
Rachel SandlerForbes Staff
I cover breaking news.
Updated Oct 1, 2020, 10:07pm EDT
TOPLINE Top Trump campaign fundraiser Kimberly Guilfoyle was accused of sexual harassment by a former assistant during her time as a Fox News host, the New Yorker reported, revealing in detail for the first time why Guilfoyle was ousted from the cable news gig in 2018.
Donald Trump Holds Campaign Event In Nevada
Kimberly Guilfoyle waves after speaking at a campaign event for U.S. President Donald Trump at ... [+] PHOTO BY ETHAN MILLER/GETTY IMAGES
Guilfoyle’s former assistant, who was not named in the New Yorker story, said she was forced to work out of Guilfoyle’s New York apartment, where she was asked to critique Guilfoyle’s naked body and was shown photos of genitalia of men Guilfoyle said she had sex with, according to a 42-page draft complaint reportedly sent to Fox News executives.

The complaint alleges Guilfoyle told the assistant to “submit to a Fox employee’s demands for sexual favors, encouraged her to sleep with wealthy and powerful men,” demanded they share a room on business trips and “required her to sleep over at her apartment,” all of which made her feel “deeply uncomfortable,” according to the New Yorker.

The complaint says Guilfoyle tried to bribe the assistant to lie to outside lawyers who were investigating sexual harassment at the company, but in order to avoid a lawsuit, Fox paid the assistant upwards of $4 million, according to the New Yorker.

Guilfoyle’s lawyer declined to comment to the New Yorker, and Guilfoyle said in a statement she has “never engaged in any workplace misconduct of any kind.” Neither the Trump campaign nor Fox News immediately responded to a request for comment from Forbes.

Since her departure from Fox News, Guilfoyle has led a joint fundraising effort between the Trump reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee. She’s become a prominent Trump surrogate and made waves with a fiery speech on the first night of the Republican National Convention. “They want to destroy this country and everything that we have fought for and hold dear,” she said, arms raised, creating a striking and meme-able image.

Read the full New Yorker story here.

Follow me on Twitter. Send me a secure tip.
Rachel Sandler
Rachel Sandler
I’m a San Francisco-based reporter covering breaking news at Forbes. Follow me on Twitter @rachsandl or shoot me an email
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[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
VSW, post: 45683, member: 24 Wrote:Like I said it's not just left or right but both sides of politics that's in on pulling our strings, either side use those issues & more to Troll us & to spark conflicts getting Online Users to pick a side & turn on the other.

I've never seen so many Mainstream Media icons use so many progressive or internet terms in the past few years.

lol OMG I came across some Youtube videos that are just so about spouting stuff we wanna hear & yet so about spreading a POLITICAL message at the same time.

Two Youtube channels I will not name due to I will not give them more traffic, but they both have a theme going.
One is about complaining about bad SJWs, Political Correctness, how the entertainment industry has ruined content with it, & how media journalism manipulates everyone.

And the second channel goes out of their way to be anti-feminist.
On & on about how the wag gap is BS, how women already dominate the world, how men have become complacent, how toxic women today manipulate men.

Like DUH!
Both these channels work hard at telling us...& by us I mean those of us who aren't buying so blindly into this false smile of the Industry is so open to diversity, those of us who see & is fully aware of how fake the whole push of equality & inclusion comes off.
Those of us social media users, Youtubers, Comic Book readers, all us that's seen how Comics, Cartoons, Video Games, Movies, etc, entertainment in general has long went SJW. Both these channels are spewing the obvious.

The thing is where these channels make the mistake is they blame while making the claim of all this SJW crap is because of leftist.

OMG! It's not a Left or Right thing
People on either side see how Political Correctness & this So-Called Feminism are nothing but jokes & are used as Gimmicks.
This is just a show of how politics have slid into the realm of Gamers, Anime Fans, Collectors, etc, hobbyist in general, just to get us to join one side or the other of the Political agenda.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
Did you just quote yerself up there

I personally don't watch much youtube except when I need some information or come across something I want to watch,
after the last political fiasco I have tried my very best to tune it out on my FB page, I have even gone as far as ~silencing~ some of my friends whom I have known for many many years because they believed in Trumps kool-aid, and this is why politics and religion should not be discussed by friends and loved ones...
The information we receive today is so much more than forty years ago and it can be overwhelming to those of my mindset,
I don't tolerate injustice as I see it, so I have to tune it out,
or I will go insane thinking about it all.
Redbear, post: 49934, member: 1 Wrote:Did you just quote yerself up there

I personally don't watch much youtube except when I need some information or come across something I want to watch,
after the last political fiasco I have tried my very best to tune it out on my FB page, I have even gone as far as ~silencing~ some of my friends whom I have known for many many years because they believed in Trumps kool-aid, and this is why politics and religion should not be discussed by friends and loved ones...
The information we receive today is so much more than forty years ago and it can be overwhelming to those of my mindset,
I don't tolerate injustice as I see it, so I have to tune it out,
or I will go insane thinking about it all.
1. Yup cause I couldn't believe how obvious Trollish those channels are.

2. I completely agree that's 1 reason why I didn't bother posting the videos.
The 2nd is that's all the channels are about, political propaganda. Like seriously lol.

Quote:Content: The propaganda content must be political. The message could look non-political at first but, after examining it a little more, we’ll find its political association.

Control over the message: An important factor here is that the issuer has 100% of the control over the message. This is true in the production stages and in the broadcasting.

Objective: The objective of the message is to promote the interests and ideas of the issuer. Meanwhile, the message also intends to spark a certain response from the audience with a predetermined objective.

I clicked on two Videos, one from each channel cause they were part of Youtube's recommendations. Which I don't know why, ya watch one video on fishing & Youtube pulls up Video about hats. Like unrelated much.

They include each of those three.

Anyway after I watched one entire Video & a little of the other I saw the channel video line up has more of the same type. I mean ALOT MORE.
Videos from denouncing feminism by making Videos of women stating why men avoid women, to blaming democrats lol.

If you or anyone wanna steer clear of Politics then I really REALLY suggest avoiding them both lol.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
VSW, post: 52630, member: 24 Wrote:
Well I am not so sure about the info here..but i'll go along with it.
Redbear, post: 52641, member: 1 Wrote:Well I am not so sure about the info here..but i'll go along with it.
It's basically Subliminal Messages used by the News.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
This is mostly why everything is so screwed up & the News is manipulating people in the direction they are.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
Okay I'll try a more organized post lol.
Okay Facebook is in hot water right but my think is it's mainstream media trying to discredit them & ALL social media news outlets from fear of their validity & losing the opportunity when it comes to manipulating the public through misinformation.

As I'v said many times I've watched the News & things seems off. Like someone trying to sell you a hand full of BS while calling it frozen snow.

I notice contradictions or events happening after it's reported like the 3rd booster shot.
Weeks before The News does stories of how people are attempting to get a 3rd shot.
Then the news starts with is it a good idea to get a 3rd shot, then cuts into asking certificated Doctors & interviewing medical professionals is it safe.
The answer was something along the lines "I don't recommend"

Then a week later it's announced people should get a 3rd booster. People I know was getting the 3rd shot before the FCC said it was okay or even recommended.
There were even places of work telling staff to get the 3rd dose before the FDA said anything.

It's not just about the booster or the C-Virus either, certain other events takes place after the news does a story like when the news continued reporting of how the government was holding a lab in china responsible from the out break. And not too long after attacks on Asian americans increased.

The news does stories on police shooting African americans, then riots start.
Oh & how the news covers a story for days, for days now on how a particular african american gets shot by the police yet spends far less time on how a white autistic 13yr old gets shot by police 11 times I think.
Or how a police officer shot at a dog but killed a white woman lying in the grass. But an African girl arrested & pepper sprayed is reported repeated for days on end.

Also the news does a story on QR code scams & then they have QR Codes so viewers can check the weather?
lol Really.

There's a lot more the News reports on that's so fishy, I believe the mainstream media is the cause for much of the effects that happens around the world.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
You know what.
I've come to a realization here.
After thinking a few hours after about my last post on this subject I've realized something & I know how this comes off.
It comes off like I'm gone nuts, that I'm under my bed looking through binoculars out a window while wearing a tin foil hat screaming at stuff teddy bears about hidden agendas & conspiracy theories.
Oh Yea even to me it looks bananas, & I created the freaking thread & kept posting in it lol.

But see that's not what I realized, not the only thing.

I realized what I'm noticing is my utter discontent for the News in general.
I have a complete displeasure watching the news. Like OMG my eyes roll so hard I can't help but criticize every freakin story, every detail, everything.

I just realized OMG HATE THE NEWS!

I watch cause my mother does & I think I've gotten to her & her opinions has changed to & she's watching it. Which is good for cause I've gotten annoyed at the amount of dislike I have for it all.
It's like that feeling you have when someone is telling you some & you know they're lying to your face & you just wanna leave & be done with them altogether.
I feel like that about the news.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.

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