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WEAPON H: Issue 1
  1. [Image: 4rDVUYP.png] [Image: VPxqhzB.jpg]
  2. [Image: 0XDqnRh.jpg] [Image: UAme6G4.jpg]
  3. [Image: SYM9Nkt.jpg] [Image: mB0LQZy.png]
  4. [Image: rKkJSYA.jpg] [Image: b9F7PAz.jpg]
  5. [Image: Y9BQ5Qk.jpg] [Image: 03SMmVZ.jpg]
  6. [Image: VrtUAKV.jpg] [Image: NFoW7v5.jpg]
  7. [Image: gsMGZRi.jpg] [Image: 3dPuAKj.jpg]
  8. [Image: 8l9bApZ.jpg] [Image: 6bVavmk.jpg]
  9. [Image: l7qrr02.jpg] [Image: hMZUZTV.jpg]
  10. [Image: dNiBSVQ.jpg] [Image: FHQBzuD.jpg]
  11. [Image: 1xJuYC8.jpg] [Image: FAGxpnF.jpg]
  12. [Image: 3KgJmJq.jpg] [Image: oOt52aM.jpg]
  13. [Image: T2mFOZi.jpg] [Image: hMHOQRB.jpg]
  14. [Image: TkN9CmD.jpg] [Image: TXtlOoS.jpg]
  15. [Image: AAvBct8.jpg] [Image: H0mwhs8.jpg]
  16. [Image: XMUMYlX.jpg] [Image: fhchV6Q.png]
[Image: rlkkV0V.png]
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.

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