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What Made You Smile Today ?
My Dogs AND cat all laying down next to each other on the same bed as me when I woke up this morning,
not fighting, not not staring each other down ..just all splayed out like they own my fuckin me this teensy eensy edge to sleep on,

----them together in the morning like this makes me smile Smile
For the first time since the lockdown,
we get to spend time with our oldest grandson !!
What made me smile today, the fact is that I'm off for a lil while, I mean I had a short, more long night, just happy to enjoy and take it easy a lil...
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a little girl wearing a Salem Mass t-shirt with a little black kitty on it,
she waved at me as I was walking by. I waved back I said I love your t-shirt
she stopped dead said thank you very much, i said you're welcome very much
and tried to explain to me about the history of Salem
I was very pleased and thanked her for explaining ...she's one of my kind!
Ain't that cool when you meet one!
Redbear, post: 39813, member: 1 Wrote:Ain't that cool when you meet one!

it sure is!
my sister sending me a text the last 3 mornings saying how I made her days much easier because she didn't know she could plug her phone charger into her laptop
sounds crazy I know she didn't know. none of her adult children could make an effort
she teachs school from home because of the Rona she was plugging her phone in the kitchen while her laptop is in her room
she needs both for different school programs
she is not tech savy and has had to learn alot in a very short time
Happens all the time for me, its amazing what you can charge with a multi usb hub on your computer.
Redbear, post: 41638, member: 1 Wrote:Happens all the time for me, its amazing what you can charge with a multi usb hub on your computer.
yes exactly I have a usb hub myself sister doesn't need one....yet
when the time comes if need be I will explain it to her
Like I said she is not tech savy when the Rona showed up..
and schools and summer programs went remote
she had no idea and was very scared after all this time she would lose her job
because she didn't have any idea how tech worked
so over the summer I have went slow to teach her
I was helping a lady today at work and she said "Thank you handsome."
Been awhile since someone complimented me. Made my day.
Kwa Wrote:@Sorrow
Okay,Excuse me but I don't squirt sperm bruh, I fap but i don't mastubate..

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The Sorrow, post: 56939, member: 5 Wrote:I was helping a lady today at work and she said "Thank you handsome."
Been awhile since someone complimented me. Made my day.
That's nice, women doesn't really call me that, unless the person is older and/or unattractive.
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Signing into my ADP(Payroll), I discovered that I received a raise, but only by $0.50, so now I'm at $17 hourly with a differential of $1.50 for overnight shift.
Feels like work switched up as I was already at $16.50 for a long time though.
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at my oldest son's request to pretend I'm Mrs. Claus on the phone this evening to his neighbors 4 year old granddaughter Sasha!
the main thing she wants for Christmas is a poopin dog toy
I have a good friend/coworker who had been looking for a Precious Moments figurine for her granddaughter because the last one broke during a move,
she had been looking for over two years and could find barely anything on I asked if she would like my help on finding it
{ because Im a Information Specialist dontcha know Wink } and she said sure...
after looking thru multiple country's for it...I found two..yes I said TWO copies that were for was for ...ready?
$180 dolla's -- and the other one was for $200.

So I got ahold of the one for $180 and sweet talked them down to $150 and altho my teammate was very reluctant to spend a total of $180 (tax and all that ) for a ten dollar figurine,
she got it for her grand kid..she was in tears tears that I helped her find something special for her babies, I thought it was because she had to spend 180 bucks on a tiny figurine..fuck I would cry too ya know, but it came yesterday in the mail and was in mint condition,

That made me smile and made my day, as I truly like making others happy when I can do something for them that they themselves could not do,
I 'spose this is why I exist , to make others life better and easier for them in certain situations.

I am a Beast of Burden.

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omg Red that's amazing those Precious Moments statues are hard to find is right!
that's very cool you were able to get a hold of one..I would have cried too at that price!
Our youngest daughter has an autoimmune disease called Ulcerative Colitis,

They found out recently in one of their random tests that she has C.Diff,
she has been in and out of the ER for the last few weeks, 13 plus hour waits just to be givin a dose of morphine then kicked the fuck out,
4 hours later when the morphine dies out, right back into the pain induced stigma she goes, then right back to the ER she goes where they might admit her for two -four days as a contaminant individual.
It is a contagious disease but she is not a spreader, but a colonizer of it, they keep her on antibiotics for a week, then when it runs out, the c.diff comes back again in full force, then she has to goto the ER again and its back to stage one,
We have trying to get the medical insurance (medi-cal) to authorize a fecal-transplant {EWWWWWW} or a infusion that would eradicate the C.Diff once and for all instead of her going into the ER every other day for weeks on end at a time,

Reason I am in the What Made You Smile Thread is this..

Last night she got an two emails,
1. Her grants have successfully paid her tuition which was close to $8000, and her financial aid grants were processed and
she should get about three to four thousand dollars to play with for school.

2. She received her grades last night and she passed all her classes with commendations and Honors..
All the while of being in the hospital for three weeks total because of this disease and its complications during her college semester,

This means while our child is in immense pain and in the hospital during most of her semester, she
still managed to pass all her classes with honors and fulfill her Grant requirements to receive further grants :punk:
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Doing a lil Shopping got me Smiling TODAY!!!!!
SPEND some GREEN!!!!
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Damn...Lookit you all styling and profiling!
Soon Before u know it, weather is gonna be nice, I gotta diversify one in a blue. New stuff to wear in chase if I were to go out or something comes up, it's so rare.

Plus, this was pay week, I go insane sometimes, Fuck it, felt good is hell..
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Again with a little shopping yesterday, Swiping the card, even treated mom's, feeling a bit blessed...
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