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[Image: rlkkV0V.png]

Gunslinger' Class Trailer and Opening Movie

Gunslinger' Character Class Overview

Up close or from a distance, the Gunslinger is locked, loaded, and ready to rain death down upon all who oppose him!

The Gunslinger prefers to fight at the forefront and immediately lock horns with the enemy, usually being among the first to break their lines. A versatile human combatant, the Gunslinger effortlessly switches between a sword and two pistols, utilizing an array of combos to attack both individual targets and unleash area of effect attacks. But he always has to keep his ammunition in check, a resource which can be replenished by stringing together sword combos.

Mistrusted for the simple crime of hailing from Brimstone, a village of refugees … deliberately ordered on a suicidal mission during which his troops were overwhelmed and his men slaughtered … his request for leniency fell on deaf ears and he was expelled from the army. Seeking to avenge the deaths of his men, and save his own skin, the Gunslinger found refuge in Azilia. In this place of opportunity, he became a mercenary and joined the Azilia Knights.

[Image: bJp7Pj1.gif][Image: dwWKP0I.png]

[Image: rlkkV0V.png]
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.

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