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youtube and its recent antics
youtube has started to become a political platform where both trolls and politicians have paid go get their videos in the recommendations feeds.Ive always used youtube for music and gaming video but now I get recommended all types of political videos.Im gonna be honest I hate politics cuz all politicians are liars and cheats.Have your experiences been the same lately.
I agree,
It has become ridiculous to the point where I just move on,
even some of the groups im with have even started getting political,
I thought that shit was uncool.
That's the problem though it's everywhere.
It's a cluster of total BS nonsense mixed with total BS nonsense.

Issues with Millennials, feminism,& politics, all got tossed together & the result turned out completely stupid.

I'm sick of it too.
The virtue singling in entertainment, from movies & television to video games.
The Me Too & feminism trend has ruined Playstation, television & movies are BS now.
Everything has some BS obnoxious political agenda shoved in your face down your throat, it makes me wanna barf.

The world has been nerfed & pandered towards till its become ridiculous.
And much of it I don't get the concepts behind them & many look desperate like attempts to be unique that they're grasping at anything in effort at standing out, but instead of it being cool & trend worthy, it comes off as stupid & meaningless.

Binary, gender neutral, hating lables. REALLY?
How does it make sense.
You don't wanna be labeled
You don't wanna be recognized as either male or female.
So you've basically removed yourself from existence.

I mean a lot of this, today's supposed feminism, equality, etc, movements are contradictory to themselves.

How is there a want from the freedom of expression while you're censoring everyone & anything else you don't agree with or that doesn't agree with you.
How are you for equality but fire white men, shame attractive women, & declare what is a normal body type to the public.
How can group mentality call for diversity & be against female objectification & racism YET the entertainment industry make reboots & casting choices based on not on talent but skin color & gender.

Sony censorship ruins oversea games, developers reduces female character breasts size with the BS statement of....
NetherRealm Wrote:women will look "more like women do.

Got a new flash for ya!
There are women who do have above average proportions.
And surprise they're real.
[Image: ZJrAaoe.gif]
But according to game developers there's no such thing as women like that in existence.

How stupidly clueless they are?

And politics with the media is just riding this BS like no tomorrow.
The left blames the right, the right blames the left....OMG!

I can't wait till society grows up, grows a spine & get a clue.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
Here's another good one for you,
Man gets fired over his christian belief of two genders,
a 6'ft bearded man wanted to be called "madam" or "ma'am" at work and a religious christian told him "no, its in the bible as being a man or a woman, I cannot nor will not because of my faith doesn't recognize more than that"
Yet here's the kicker, at his job is a few Muslims and he has been told that he has to accept their religion at work for the hijabs and other face gear,
so the bottom line is this,
We as a country HAVE to let others profess and practice their religions and we have to abide by that religions laws and byproducts,
but our country's religions doesn't count anymore and its stepped on everyday,
So we allow their religion and deny ours..I call BULLSHIT on thataone,

me personally I cannot wait till someone tries that shit on me, I will punch them in the face..religious values or not.
Redbear, post: 22587, member: 1 Wrote:Here's another good one for you,
Man gets fired over his christian belief of two genders,
a 6'ft bearded man wanted to be called "madam" or "ma'am" at work and a religious christian told him "no, its in the bible as being a man or a woman, I cannot nor will not because of my faith doesn't recognize more than that"
Yet here's the kicker, at his job is a few Muslims and he has been told that he has to accept their religion at work for the hijabs and other face gear,
so the bottom line is this,
We as a country HAVE to let others profess and practice their religions and we have to abide by that religions laws and byproducts,
but our country's religions doesn't count anymore and its stepped on everyday,
So we allow their religion and deny ours..I call BULLSHIT on thataone,

me personally I cannot wait till someone tries that shit on me, I will punch them in the face..religious values or not.

See I have issue with the hypocrisy of it all.
I have no problem with respecting the beliefs of others but don't come at me with contradiction.
Don't come & demand respect or even expect automatic acceptance for your personal choices & beliefs then not respect others or accept that others may have trouble dealing with it even in non aggressive ways.


That's not giving people a chance to adapt, to understand, to sympathize, to process.
That's giving people two options, either you're with me or against me & that causes people to get upset at the choices.

Here's an example from Hollywood.

And AND I believe people can accept differences in others but it's like the parts of society that says everyone is equal, objectification is bad, keeps bringing it up reminding people how different or diverse others are by constantly pointing out their differences.


It's like being the kid in school with ripped pants trying not to get noticed BUT everyone is calling attention to your ripped pants.
Now there's a full on discussion with everyone speculating on your ripped pants that goes on till school year ends.

Politically correct took something that's delicate & sensitive then made it their own jumping on a victim bandwagon that didn't involve them & knocked it all over jumbling the overall message actual victims of insensitivity & intolerance are trying to convey.

It's like the rich girl complaining how life is so cruel & people are so intolerant because she didn't get the last blue berry muffin at Starbucks, so that qualifies her to identify & speak on the behalf of all minorities.
[Image: Wgc5w5F.jpg]

It makes me sick.

And Trump doesn't help either, he incites & escalates problems.
It's like world's worse businessman who's an internet troll became the president of the unite states.
All this angry feminism, political correctness, BS, started before he became pres but he's the TRoll that gives it all momentum.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
[Image: 200w.webp?cid=790b76115d2dd5117a626b6e55...=200w.webp]

[Image: 200w.webp?cid=790b76115d2dd5117a626b6e55...=200w.webp]
I had no idea that this post was gonna blow up like this
Your Welcome !
drek de, post: 22919, member: 8 Wrote:I had no idea that this post was gonna blow up like this
Really, politics is everywhere but in the past few years the political messages in the entertainment industry, media, social networks, comic books, video games, etc. are just that obnoxious, lazy, & grotesquely obvious, that many MANY people are plain & simply incredibly sick of it.

I wish it was just isolated to YouTube but the political puke has landed everywhere & unfortunately we can either wait till people gets bored with the trend & it passes on or not buy into by avoiding products riddled with toxic political messages thus sending our own message of how sick of it we really are.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.

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