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Clean the Evil
A small group of storys about people who have done menny tarabul thing. These people are given a chance to wipe all there evil clean & start new. How ever to do so thay will need to fight or avide there own evil given form. All made pasaby by a shady group with a lot of power named C.T.E or Clean The Evil who are alwas watching. Will any one deffet there evil can any one run from there evil ? To the C.T.E all that matter is thay try because eather way the C.T.E alwas get what thay want
Sarry this is all I can put up of this story for now im still working thing out in it & sadly i misplast my other storys
( Note im only useing my ps3 to post )
Clean the Evil - Some story info The C.T.E or The Clean The Evil are a large group who have used there power to influence all of the world only to grow more in power. Do to this thay created devices that can pull every evil dede from within out. This evil then ganes a form that can take menny shapes. The C.T.E or The Clean The Evil use these for a unknown resin. Though there afer to pull the evil from a person is not all good. If you fail to exsape your evil or you fail to defeat your evil it re-joins you. If this happins a True Evil is bourn ( Note a monster made of all the evil some one has done. In most cases several dusen times stroger then the strongest of humans in every way ) When a True Evil is made The C.T.E has a super wepion that is nearly unkillabul. So wether a person san get psat there evil or defete there evil the C.T.E wins (Note the C.T.E or Clean The Evil only offer this chans at a new life to crimanels in most cases) Can any 1 gane a new life free of there evil & no memerry of it
( Note this is not the story yet its just some info side note this is the first story like this I have ever made )
You these stories might sound good around a campfire you know
Thanks i think
Sarry i have not added anything new yet i have been spending more time with my family & on top of that i have been haveing a bad case of wrighters block witch i hope will pass soon

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