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I have my own story that i made & im working on a comic (NOTE) ( Spelling & art are not good neather is my gramer) is ani one intrested if i post some of it (NOTR) im only useing a PS3 and have no real way 2 up load my comic but i might be able 2 useing a family members phone though the pics will be bad) I just want to know if any one want to read it if so let me know ( if so i will say what it is about & we can go from there )
( NOTE ) I like to make storys & pics from them
You would be most welcome to post yer story here if you like,
also if it makes it easier on you I can set up a hole here and call it " Story-Time ".

would you like that?
what do you meen by (a hole) ?
He means he wants to create a category for people to make threads about stories.
Kwa Wrote:@Sorrow
Okay,Excuse me but I don't squirt sperm bruh, I fap but i don't mastubate..

[Image: GPmK7v1][Image: gantz-sig-1-zpsowc0cwd3.png]
What I should have asked is if you wanted a category in this sub forum called Story Time,

But sure, go ahead and post away, it would be nice to read some of your stuff.
cool give me some time & i will post some thing thought i dont know how long it will take

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