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Jury Duty
So I had to go to jury duty today and man was it boring is hell, had to do a questionnaire, i told an opportunity to summit it to the judge, and he automatically figure out I didn't want to serve, damn right, but only i don't want to serve i can't, period..
I didn't even get dismiss from jury duty entirely, i actually had to go back at 1:30pm, sat in the lobby for about 1 1/2, never heard my name again for another case, it was all over for me...
It wasw't like they 3yrs ago when I went, i was dismiss early, these people wants to keep me for 2 days trail, they buggin.
I fuckin hate Judy duty...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
Heck I wish I could pull Jury Duty,
but most peoples tend to think you get paid to stay from work and eat doughnuts and shit all day while you get
to help decide the future of someone for a "supposed" crime.

aint nothing like that from what my friends have said, they would rather have their teeth
pulled with no medication rather than have to thru that again.
I'm be a complete nuisance, talking about the evidence etc, my month is shut, i can't do jury duty, lack experience, fuck outta here...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]

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