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Got into it with a Anti-Vaxer/Anti-Masker yesterday at work,
Our state (California) lifted many of the mask restrictions we have had, but At the hospital where I work you are supposed to wear the face-masks still, and if you need to go down to the surgery center you need to be vaccinated, going to see a loved one in the hospital? you need to be vaccinated,
So this man walked in like he owned the place and we had to inform him that the mask mandate was still in effect at Hospitals, man he just started yelling about his rights, how he couldn't breathe, the state lifted the restrictions, it was a democratic plot against him..blah blah blah...
I just straight up told him, " Sir, there are people coming out of surgery right now, there are also people coming out of chemo and transfusions, which is why the mask and vaccination rule is still in place, it is for their safety as well as yours"....." So you need to mask up or leave the center,
he just started off again with his yelling and spouting about his rights being violated and "if Trump hadn't had the presidency stolen from him we wouldn't be dealing with this commie crap"
SO now I have to say to him.."Sir, you have choices to make right now, you either mask up and be polite while your here, Or I am going to call our Security which happens to be the Samoans, and are probably just bored to death right now", he made the mistake of just flapping on with his I called security, I asked them if they were bored,they said yes and they would be right there... six security men, and one female, rolled right up with that look on their faces...all well over 6' feet tall and just loving the fact there is an idiot they get to school properly, He also made the mistake of trying to intimidate and yell at them,
bottom line is he ended up being escorted and leaving the premises with a threat of a Trespass Order being put against him if he gave them any more issues...
that's exactly how he should have been treated I'm so over those jerks
I haven't seen one yet that was polite about their stance
they have to be rude and loud ..fuck em
and thats how they should all be treated like a bully in the a playground who just got his behind handed to him in triplicate. no health worker or employee should ever be screamed at or treated in any way other than with curtesy or politeness as you never know when the life is going to come knocking and u is going to need a stay in hospital. #staindingup for health professional #Heros. good one Redbear. Now if we could teach teens how to where those masks properly then we may stand a chance of getting this thing under control. Our UK covid controls are about to reduced further and I will still ware a mask just to protect others I've worn one since it was recommended and not tested positive once. Also I've not been ill once since I started waring it so it has its plus's.
I totally agree with Ice I wear my mask everywhere I need to wear it, whereever it's posted
I have all the Vacs so I'm good I still wear it.
and have no problem pointing out when in a spot that I need to point it out!

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