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IndiaFoxtEcho - Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II v1.0.0

[Image: 1mjk57.jpg]

[Image: AVvXsEgMg0o3GJm8TCmxa8D9eiuASi3oxAcIWbxa...=w640-h360]

[Image: AVvXsEjUhmYjXzTj46EZ6KP-uj1CxfcN3JFfIxXw...=w640-h360]
Note: Might be unstable on some systems and cause CTDs, especially the "F-35B" (vertical landing) variant. This should be fixed with the upcoming Sim Update 8. Either way, don't blame it on this upload, the files are 100% original & not modified/cracked in any shape or form.
Note: Documentation located inside "indiafoxtecho-aircraft-f35/SimObjects/Airplanes/IndiaFoxtEcho_F35A/docs/F35Manual.pdf".


Added reference to Asobo Common behaviors to fix throttle issue introduced by
Added missing lights on IPP control panel
Added IPP BIT sequence (slightly shorter than IRL) and cooldown
Fixed color of BINGO line on MFD (was while, is yellow IRL)
Added missing IPP “BURN” indication on MFD
Rectified trim symbology in FCS page
Rectified wing fold symbology in FCS (for C model) and added aileron icons
Rectified hook symbol in FCS page
Rectified trim setting color in FCS page
Fixed ICAO code for F-35B
Changed ATC codes for all aircraft
Fixed missing entries in F-35A and C engine models
Fixed engine rating for F-35B
Increased battery capacity for all variants
Fixed mismatched mouse areas in COMMunications page if FAB is SWAPPED
Fixed non working mouse areas in LITES page if FAB is SWAPPED
Added trim readout
Changed Wing Fold caption (now reads spread or fold, in reality they are separate commands)
Added numerical reading on control surfaces on FCS page
Added custom AI sound package


v1.0.2 Hotfix
Note: Might be unstable on some systems and cause CTDs, especially the "F-35B" (vertical landing) variant. This should be fixed with the upcoming Sim Update 8. Either way, don't blame it on this upload, the files are 100% original & not modified/cracked in any shape or form
Note: Documentation located inside "indiafoxtecho-aircraft-f35/SimObjects/Airplanes/IndiaFoxtEcho_F35A/docs/F35Manual.pdf".
- Add-on repackaged (previous build had missing files and configurations)
- Minor improvement to tailhook logic
- Minor fix to FCS page (“HOOK” caption was overlapping other captions)
- IPP Cabin Pressurization knob now defaults to NORM
- (Old HMD) Removed obsolete Javas***** code for HUD collimation
- (Old HMD) Removed obsolete Javas***** code for Flight Director functions
- (Old HMD) Removed unused Javas***** code for Boeing FMA, ILS and Vertical Speed indicator - (Old HMD) Improved symbology collimation
- NEW HMD: Entirely rewritten on the basis of the F/A-18E HUD from Asobo, with several improvements and customizations
- Changed engine sound samples and modified volume
- Added VMFA-314 livery for the F-35C (courtesy of Richard Luycx)
- Added VMFA-211 high and low viz liveries for F-35B (courtesy of Richard Luycx)
- Added VMFA-122 high and low viz liveries for F-35B (courtesy of Richard Luycx)
- Fixed texture mirroring issue on F-35B NLG Doors
- Fixed US roundel position on F-35C wings lower surfaces
- Fixed incorrect painting of air intakes inner surfaces (all models)
- Added different downwash effects (neutral, water and dust) for F-35B when in STOVL mode
- Improved Low Altitude warning logic
- Fixed incorrect material assignment in F-35C intakes (virtual cockpit only)
- Fixed visual hole in aircraft ground shadow (when viewed from the Virtual Cockpit)
- Added several sounds missing from the virtual cockpit (safety ribbons, ejection seat lever and some switches)
- Added "click" sound to PCD interaction for improved feedback
- Minor fix to ICAO codes and model names
- Reworked pilot visibility conditions (hopefully this shoudl work in multiplayer)
- Automatic speedbrake retraction if throttle is above 85%
- Automatic speedbrake extension during landing ground roll
- Added "radio noise" filtering to LSO voices
- Improved "Prandtl-Glauert" singularity visibility conditions
- Special Effects are now visible from the cockpit *

* - NOTE: due to a glitch in the sim, if you change view when an effect is playing it may stick to "on" condition on the new view. Cycling views will typically fix the glitch.
IMPORTANT – Due to several reports of random CTD issues, we have indentfied the HMD code to be a cause of potential instability on some systems. To fix the problem we have created a new HMD basing it on the Asobo SuperHornet code – however it is missing some functionalities of the “complete” version. The new HMD is the default, the old one can be re-activated by following the instructions at the end of the panel.cfg file in the F-35A panel folder. DO NOT ATTEMPT to change this is you are not familiar with .cfg file editing, although backup .cfgs are included.


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