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WTF ya doing?
well yesterday was a first for my wife and I,
went out and spent over a thousand dollars on game systems and items we have needed for years,
got a new 2DS XL with a coupla games for the wife and a coupla pairs of pants and some shoes,
got me some socks and boxers and a used ps3 250-GIGS with loads of games on it plus I bought FFXIII for 10bux along with it just cuz I like FF,next on my list will be Burnout Paradise,
and to top it off nicely, a newly refurbished desktop PC that made the wife very very happy :punk:
That is pretty good red, and u will enjoy burnout Paradise once get it, u must be a burnout fan, I played it in 2011, a remastered burnout Paradise for ps4 and xbox one will be coming out on march 20th, for $40, I thinking getting that shit too, it's been a few year since i played burnout Paradise, ps3 version is also good, good graphics...
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Day 1 of the week of work, and I happen to see a person that use to be in blue apron, again, this is crazy....
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Man, one of my facebook friends is always saying something about dancing, saying he's gonna teach me so new moves in shit all dreaming, like okay, he gotta understand that dancing ain't easy..
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Snowing but it ain't too, bad like it ain't even sticking on the street and school has to be close today, that's some money taken out of my young sis and mother's check in April, anybody else having a snow day...
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Shit, my youngest sis lost her phone, a monthly bill phone, shit like that really hurts, cuz u gotta start over n shit, it's crazy and I don't even know what to do to help, like damn, I have my own phone bill next month, gotta paid my mother her every 2weeks money. Damn i feel upset cuz this could have been me, but with a tracphone. I'm lucky enough, and this is why I don't brag, everybody has bad luck sometimes, but this shit is one the worst...
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Mother'' birthday was yesterday, calls herself saying $100, doesn't count as some of her bday money, since it's towards bills, I give here half of what I withdraw..
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Friday already, man days off flies, but I did get paid, love this weekly pay, this temp agency ain't too bad..
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Its sounding like your living the dream, minus the part about yer sisters life being all jacked, and yer mom riding yer butt for mo money, mo money,mo money,
but a damn good one, now all you need is a constant girlfriend to show off to the world and ye will be styling -n- profilin like the best of 'em :punk:
I'm trying bruh, it's only been a short while so far, feels like a new start. I'm Doing okay so far. The best part about where i'm at right now, it that it's ain't that far nor as cold as blue apron. My sis has her son, the father unemployed, nothing to do with me.

My mother could be very demanding sometimes even though she's paying real low rent, i'm helpimg with cable..
As far as my situation, i'm just trying my best, doing me, providing, hopefully i won't fuck up like last year.
About a girlfriend, i can tell when a female is gorgeous when i see one but if i wasn't anti-social(shell), on some real shit, it could be easy, that's my problem "quiet", nothing to talk about, a girl is gonna have to like my personality if she wants to get with me, just being myself...
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Coming home from work and who do I see, my sis and the boy that she met a while ago now sleeping together and like 2 of my phone changers are take being used, i know i can't be stingy but god damn..
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Just got home from a lil shopping, and got more vita titles, I feel late is hell of that handheld..

I don't know what it is, but my young sis really don't like spending her own lil money, like i come in the house with food/snack, my sister was all like, "u didn't get anything", so I give her one of my devil dogs fudged dipped, and a drink of mines, really on so child shit, when i use something of her, there's a problem...
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Boy I can wait until i'm off, last day of the week, coming home on Sunday morning, my young sister and her new friend sleeping together, it's crazy, they only work the same job(clients), now it's like the next level is happening, over staying his welcome, my mother really allow this, but i have to kiss her ass just to have my guest visit me...
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Sup dudes and dudettes.
Kwa Wrote:@Sorrow
Okay,Excuse me but I don't squirt sperm bruh, I fap but i don't mastubate..

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Wuss good bruh..
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Oh man, feels like I have to double babysit sometimes, my nephew, and a 6 year bo., can't even calm down when it comes to games even though he can't play sonic generations well playing as classic sonic..
The father can't find someone else to babysit so he bring him to where i live, i refuse to let him play challenging games, mature, T, not to be stingy, he just has lots to learn...
Damn, having a baby as a teen, has to be rough, but i'm glad i didn't had a situation like that coming up...
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Went to the movies yesterday, saw the new avengers, it was good but the ending was some bullshit..
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Hmmm, went to work, just to hear there's no work for today, man this the first time, some bullshit, and i'm still a temp and know i did the requirement hours for permanent, good thing I only for one day, money off my check next friday though...
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Got off a lil after 12:30am even though my new hours is 4pm-12am, i barely made the last train, damn these people for changing shit, I like it better when I had 4 days, 10hrs or less, depending on production, now a day has be taken away, god damn...
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Been quite a week, some days were be kinda quick though, I doubt alot of people gonna make orders throughout the summer..
Also i finally made company, my onboard orientation is coming up, probably like in 2 weeks, payroll is gonna be different..
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[Image: XSevenK.png]

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