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WTF ya doing?
Just got off work few hours ago, damn doing 11hrs got me tired, Jesus, surprise this warehouse is not that cold compare to blue apron....
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
Congrats on getting the job Kwa !
Thank u, got in through a temp agency, so I got paid weekly for now, $10.50 an hour, 10 hours a day, 40 hours a week, not too bad working as a temp, if I do 300 hours, then the real application for the company comes in, and my pay rate will be $14 or $14.50 an hour...
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
First 2 days and it feels like i worked 11hrs for each day... damn..
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Losing a tracphone, Jesus, feels like I'm curse or something, things falling out my pocket is a weird habit sometimes, good thing I didn't lose my primary bill phone, money, nor my important stuff like my state id, or my bank card...
But a tracphone, damn, and it's locked(coded) o top of that...
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
Then you need deeper pockets losing stuff sucks.

Once I lost my wallet and a pocket knife.
Only had $10 in it I never keep and credit cards or my debit card in my wallet.
Good news on the tracphone shit, turn out i was being fast during my lunch break leave my phone in the break room, calling myself trying to get back to work on time, cuz this hellofresh company is no job.. it was pick up and put in a lose and found desk, i just have to make sure i got everything before leaving an area, always..
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
Being at hellofresh is a lil different compare to blue apron, there's no machine, not every getting my hands wet, plus it's way less cold. Doing 10 - 12 in this food production warehouse, depending on work, gots to be finished.
As a temp for now(until 300 hours), $10.50 ain't that bad if getting money weekly..
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
Thats fucking great!
you doing alot better than most at you're age,
plus you now have money to start buying supplies for that Zombie Apocalypse
that's coming next month !!
Debit card is something u don't wanna to lose, i got it covered good so far, hoping I can keep it up, but lose card prevention service(PNC) did called m about online shopping and I don't even shop online, I had to deactivate my first debit card and get a new one, i still got my old one
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
Lol, thank u, the money start kickin in by march 2,and i set up my direct deposit, so I gonna check online banking to see my money is in the bank, if not i'm making a call, dead ass, gotta make sure I'm getting paid from this temp agency, doing all these hours...
Feels like in work over 40hrs throughout the past 4 days. Although my first check is gonna be a 2 days pay, then by the march 9, my checks will be for 4days, then the 16th and so on..
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Once i get in the company itself, that's gonna change...
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Sup dawgs.
Kwa Wrote:@Sorrow
Okay,Excuse me but I don't squirt sperm bruh, I fap but i don't mastubate..

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Wuss good sorrow...
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My mother and young sis when to go see black panther, and they ask me for $3 bucks before they even left, probably for a ticket, which is not a big deal.
Now i'm thinking like, what could they have done if i didn't give or have the extra $3, even though my sis did say, don't worry about it.
I might be ask for a lil extra bucks sometimes for this and that, or maybe put a lil extra money to their meals, it is what it is i guess..
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
I feel so satisfied right now, started working at Hellofresh on the 19th of February, the day after, I did something a lil different.
Today I received almost $400($396 and some change) in my bank, i don't see how 2 days equal up to that much, unless my first check is from the all the hours I did from Feb.23 - Feb.26, i'm only getting $10.50 an hour through a temp agency for now. Although, I can't complain about this much every week...
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
Congrats !
Today we is feeling great,
for the first time ever, I got a tax refund, and to top it off, it was my wife's first tax refund also { joint filing },
to top off that good news, my drivers license has been reinstated as it was suspended in 2012 for jaywalking,
wife already has plans to get me a PS3 bundle and her a 2DS plus a new Dell PC :punk:
Thank u, but hey, i won't brag, think that I have it like that, I just feel like the man of the house again, at least until, my mother and young sister finish this year off as bus aides, and get their better jobs, until then, they has to deal with getting a shitty ass pay check, every 2 week, a written 1 on top of that....
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
Did damn near 9hrs, it was mad work but leaving out early from a shift, that's a first...
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[Image: XSevenK.png]

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