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MFS 2020
Bugs, bugs and more bugs.

Any other game released w/ that many would have been trampled to the ground.
Yet, here we are with the "highly-praised" afterbirth of the well known franchise, the latest iteration of MSFS.

Sure, I was as anxious as anybody in the FS community. Looking at all those awesome vid's on u-tube and god-knows-where;
how couldn't I?
...I have yet to complete a single flight.

First of all: ATC.
Thoughtful implementation - horrible execution.
Sitting at the gate and trying to file your flight plan: Good Luck!
Those dinosaurs up in the tower have to gather around the Tea-kettle before even considering any request.
If your lucky, someone might pick up the mic and answer "a" request filed an hour or so ago.

So you made it to the flight-deck, (congrats, took me 3 attempts), looking at the dash and thinking "WOW, awesome how they did that!"
and b4 you know it that asshole of a CP calls the Push-back truck, all the while you are still boarding pax and still waiting for the the luggage truck.
(Meanwhile, in the tower, they argue whether to have one or two spoons of sugar in their tea).
Bear in mind: you were supposed to leave at 11.AM - It's now 15 mins past 1 PM.

Your mouse is hovering anxiously over the ATC window; waiting for those Tea-Addicts to pull their thumbs out of their Royal Behinds.
Ok... let's do the check-lists while we wait.
You call for external power and your faithful CP calls the PB truck again.
Guess who arrives first?

Fast forward: External Power, - and PB Truck go Hannibal at the gate.
"Yeah! FPS in MSFS."

... your thoughts are pulverized as them tea-kettle swinging Dinosaurs @ ATC finally grand you permission to board pax.
No excuses accepting, the EPS truck finally arrived!
Your thoughts about timing dwindle as your CP happily announces "we finally have lights in this coffin!"
Awesome! Let's blow out the candles.

A window appears out of no-where reminding me that I should start the engines before trying to attempt to taxi.
'Fuck! ...better turn 'm on!'
As it happens, our checklist tells us all engines are running at Idle and are good-to-go.
Looking at the instruments trying to figure out what's going on, our wonderful CP announces "Request PushBack!"
...over the cabin PA.

Time for another cuppa and ATC or whoever the fek is in charge finally acknowledges " Cataring Services are on the road!

At this point you press the Esc button thinking your trials might be over.
"HELL NO!" it happens you gotta quit this abomination using TaskManager.

Cya up there (hopefully) & having a cuppa with additive

C. :punk:
Brutha, I am glad to see you're still around, thought
maybe the covid had taken ya, or maybe even them ICE..
Good to see you're still around! How's things in your neck of the woods?

Yeah - not the best release.... kinda reminds me of the FSX release in '05 - lots of promises and pretty pics, but a bit of a let down in RTM. And 2 patches within a short time frame.

My biggest gripes are:
  1. They changed most all the default keystrokes
  2. My controls don't show or have have any assignments - had to set up manually
  3. No real instructions on accessing anything
  4. The SDK sucks - at least at this point
  5. Simconnect included with release was not the one the beta testers successfully used. The one released to all was changed and doens't work correctly with add-ons.... especially FSUIPC
  6. The alpha and beta testers were mostly "gamers" and not serious simmers. The community of flight simmers was pretty much ignored.
Seems weird they had a months long alpha phase and only one week beta phase. Once again, M$ pushed it out the door way too early. Definitely NOT ready for prime time.
phil07, post: 37463, member: 42 Wrote:CRASH!!!!
Good to see you're still around! How's things in your neck of the woods?
Other than feeling like a a piece of fried bacon (100 deg. F on avg the past 4 weeks) doing pretty good!
Me guess it ain't any better in your part of the milky way?!
Hope Mrs Phil and what's-his-face Wink are doing well?

phil07, post: 37463, member: 42 Wrote:Yeah - not the best release.... kinda reminds me of the FSX release in '05 - lots of promises and pretty pics, but a bit of a let down in RTM. And 2 patches within a short time frame.
C'mon now, if it wasn't for FSX we wouldn't be here! Besides, FSX still sux.
Tried P3D a couple times but eventually ditched it. Wasn't really my "cuppa"

phil07, post: 37463, member: 42 Wrote:My biggest gripes are:
  1. They changed most all the default keystrokes
  2. My controls don't show or have have any assignments - had to set up manually
  3. No real instructions on accessing anything
  4. The SDK sucks - at least at this point
  5. Simconnect included with release was not the one the beta testers successfully used. The one released to all was changed and doens't work correctly with add-ons.... especially FSUIPC
  6. The alpha and beta testers were mostly "gamers" and not serious simmers. The community of flight simmers was pretty much ignored

  1. Keystrokes? All I use is "Esc" and "Ctrl - Alt - Delete". Get's me pretty much everywhere, lol
  2. Weird, heard that in several forum's. Had no probs here - both my XBox 360 and my Saitek X52 were detected straight away. Sure, it took me about 3 days to re-assign everything so my sausage paws are able to use all buttons, triggers & pad's...
  3. Who needs instructions? Where is the fun in that? Besides, you'll always have that pushback truck addicted CP to get you back on track.
  4. At this point I had no need for it.
  5. I'm using simconnect only for SimToolkit Pro. I haven't found any (free *Ahem...*) addons yet. I'm also using the Hoodlum release of MSFS. Tricia would have prolly divorced me had I bought "the real thing". Re. FSUIPC, that's still around? Wow!
  6. What's new? At it's current stage it's more like a visual novel anyways. Seems to be "The Thing" now-a-days...
phil07, post: 37463, member: 42 Wrote:Seems weird they had a months long alpha phase and only one week beta phase. Once again, M$ pushed it out the door way too early. Definitely NOT ready for prime time.

I guess the must have ran out of donuts and needed some dough Rolleyes
If FSX is any indication and still in early development (?) we prolly won't see MSFS come to full fruition b4 we bite the dust; it'll take them Dev's prolly another 30 or so years to get this going the way it's supposed to.

PS. Tried Real-Debrid yet?

Anywho, glad to see u, too, mate!
cheers :punk:
(thanks Red for keeping me fav. Smiley. Ooops, I mean "Emoticon")
Redbear, post: 37454, member: 1 Wrote:Brutha, I am glad to see you're still around, thought
maybe the covid had taken ya, or maybe even them ICE..
Funny you say that: I fought off them ICE fekers by threatening them I have covid!
Good ta cya, too, bro! :punk:
Crash, post: 37584, member: 16 Wrote:Other than feeling like a a piece of fried bacon (100 deg. F on avg the past 4 weeks) doing pretty good!
Me guess it ain't any better in your part of the milky way?!
Hope Mrs Phil and what's-his-face Wink are doing well?

C'mon now, if it wasn't for FSX we wouldn't be here! Besides, FSX still sux.
Tried P3D a couple times but eventually ditched it. Wasn't really my "cuppa"

  1. Keystrokes? All I use is "Esc" and "Ctrl - Alt - Delete". Get's me pretty much everywhere, lol
  2. Weird, heard that in several forum's. Had no probs here - both my XBox 360 and my Saitek X52 were detected straight away. Sure, it took me about 3 days to re-assign everything so my sausage paws are able to use all buttons, triggers & pad's...
  3. Who needs instructions? Where is the fun in that? Besides, you'll always have that pushback truck addicted CP to get you back on track.
  4. At this point I had no need for it.
  5. I'm using simconnect only for SimToolkit Pro. I haven't found any (free *Ahem...*) addons yet. I'm also using the Hoodlum release of MSFS. Tricia would have prolly divorced me had I bought "the real thing". Re. FSUIPC, that's still around? Wow!
  6. What's new? At it's current stage it's more like a visual novel anyways. Seems to be "The Thing" now-a-days...

I guess the must have ran out of donuts and needed some dough Rolleyes
If FSX is any indication and still in early development (?) we prolly won't see MSFS come to full fruition b4 we bite the dust; it'll take them Dev's prolly another 30 or so years to get this going the way it's supposed to.

PS. Tried Real-Debrid yet?

Anywho, glad to see u, too, mate!
cheers :punk:
(thanks Red for keeping me fav. Smiley. Ooops, I mean "Emoticon")

50+ days and counting of 115° or higher. Brutal.

Don't get me wrong, FSX is good. It's just the preview pics we saw didn't exactly match what we got in the release. Same with MSFS.
  1. I have "discovered" a few other keystrokes as well - but they are different than before
  2. CH Pedals and Saitek Cyborg stick not recognized. I would expect the Xbox controller to be recognized and I had heard the X52 was also
  3. Developer supplied keystroke list would have been enough for me actually
  4. I would like the SDK to at least allow me to do some excludes or flattens - especially the north/south taxiways in KPHX and a really bad east/west one in KCOS
  5. The update yesterday fixed the simconnect/third party issue. I can use my ACARS program again and I hear that connecting to VATSIM is back up to par
  6. I had some hope that simmers would be consulted. Seems like 13-15 yr olds did most of the "testing"
Yeah - gonna take a while to bring the new sim to prime time.

Haven't tried it yet - but it is on my list of things to get to... LOL
Where are the latest/greatest FS hangouts to get "stuff"?

Take care and say hi to Mrs Crash for me! Big Grin
phil07, post: 37661, member: 42 Wrote:Where are the latest/greatest FS hangouts to get "stuff"?
This one:
Steam Underground Community (If you having trouble signing up, send me a PM)

Remember boerse? Still around, but changed domain again. I'm unable to sign in and/or up
phil07, post: 37661, member: 42 Wrote:Take care and say hi to Mrs Crash for me! Big Grin
She said Hi and was delighted to hear from you Wink
cheers :punk:
Thanks - I will have a look there.
Yeah, I remember - was there last week. Occasional access issues though.

Ha - I bet. LOL :p

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