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Covid 19
so this is real. never in a million years did I think I would ever see a Pandemic ..ever..
I don't understand the toilet paper thing..coping mechanism or just nuts?
I shop like a normal person the weekend before last I was in Target right before my shift I always stop there lines were long all filled with people with toilet paper
the isle was empty ..I was in line with 2 bottles of Bbq sauce and a loaf of bread..they looked at me like I was crazy..

My Burlington closed for 2 weeks as of the day before yesterday
it's in a mall and the Mayor closed it down only store there to remain open was Target because of the pharmacy and grocery section
burlington had no intention of closing I worked the night before we were open till 10 the rest of the mall closed at 7
in one of many live reports from our mayor he said as of now the mall will be closing at 5 and remain closed until further notice
I posted that the manager had just called with my new shift hours for the next day and they were closing at 7 that day
oh lordy was he mad 20 minutes the police and someone from his office was at the store closing it down at 5
mayor gonna do an other live feed tonight not sure what that will be
we are not in a lock place or whatever ya all know what I mean

there is plenty of people out there working I give thanks to those people sticking it out!!

anyways other then doing the cleaning
I got a new craft cutter the Cricut joy i didn't need it. fuck it LOL
plus all the other projects i'm behind on

are you in lock down?
what are you guys doing?
Most of the corporate businesses knew this was going to happen, it's already been made public that most companies will let their employees file for unemployment benefit until this thing blows over.
yep thats true I can't get why they are being such assholes about it closing if they are gonna be compensated?
There has happened everywhere in New Jersey, everything is shutdown at 8pm or before every day until further notice.
The School system "board of education" is down, mom and younger sis can't work until the April 20th I heard, such a long time got dammit, same goes for teachers, etc.

My workplace hasn't shutdown, I don't think they plan too, instead they want to pay a lil extra.
So yea, i'm still working, the only in the household for now, mom and sis gets to chill, I can't unless I use "PTO". Even my nephew is gonna be in the house for a lil while, damn it all..
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
Kwa, post: 32291, member: 6 Wrote:My workplace hasn't shutdown, I don't think they plan too, instead they want to pay a lil extra.
So yea, i'm still working, the only in the household for now, mom and sis gets to chill, I can't unless I use "PTO". Even my nephew is gonna be in the house for a lil while, damn it all..

Biggest reason is people have been ordered to stay indoors,
what better way for your company to profit off a disaster like this, its a match made in heaven for them !!
It's cuz I work in the chill I believe, that kills the germs, and I'm dealing with food, easy production, getting paid time n ½, double pay, people in this work is still ordering, and it's like HelloFresh ain't stopping.

i am upset that I can't get a lil Vaca like my mom's and young sis, although there are landlords that still want their rent on time with couple of days, alate date of acceptance, no extensions.
Yea, I'm the only on that's bringing in the big bucks for now...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
Dude, you are right about most viruses don't exist very well in the cold, but this new fucker Covid-19 thrives in the cold..and dies very quickly in the heat,
thats the suck thing about it at this time of year..its still cold and rainy out in most places.
Kwa, post: 32291, member: 6 Wrote:There has happened everywhere in New Jersey, everything is shutdown at 8pm or before every day until further notice.
The School system "board of education" is down, mom and younger sis can't work until the April 20th I heard, such a long time got dammit, same goes for teachers, etc.

My workplace hasn't shutdown, I don't think they plan too, instead they want to pay a lil extra.
So yea, i'm still working, the only in the household for now, mom and sis gets to chill, I can't unless I use "PTO". Even my nephew is gonna be in the house for a lil while, damn it all..
wow props to you during this craziness!

what I have noticed my sister and I go shopping every sunday
the last 2 we have had to hit 2 locations for items we are not hoarders just normal shoppers
we have found rubber gloves and masks on the ground outside the stores..
i understand people want to be protected ..but fuck wtf take them home throw them away
dont leave it for someone else that makes them part of the problem!
fucking assholes
prmlscreem, post: 32371, member: 2 Wrote:wow props to you during this craziness!

what I have noticed my sister and I go shopping every sunday
the last 2 we have had to hit 2 locations for items we are not hoarders just normal shoppers
we have found rubber gloves and masks on the ground outside the stores..
i understand people want to be protected ..but fuck wtf take them home throw them away
dont leave it for someone else that makes them part of the problem!
fucking assholes
I see hella people wearing stuff like this, gloves and masks, they don't help in my opinion u still spreading the germs regardless, I know this virus is serious, but for some reason I don't think I'm gonna catch anything that easily...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
Redbear, post: 32370, member: 1 Wrote:Dude, you are right about most viruses don't exist very well in the cold, but this new fucker Covid-19 thrives in the cold..and dies very quickly in the heat,
thats the suck thing about it at this time of year..its still cold and rainy out in most places.
Yet Hello Fresh has to state open even during the curfew to provide food for families...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
yea, you, me and the grocery stores, and the delivery drivers for all sorts of things have to work, because we need to pay rent dammit,
dont have time to sit back and wait for this to blow over,
while sitting at home watching the news about how our leaders are fighting to get 'er done.
As the (un) official doc of these here parts. (God I've been playing too much Red Dead) I give this PSA(that's public service announcement for you simple folk) Stay away from everyone and don't cough in ya fucking hands. Speaking of hands wash those fuckers like crazy and you'll be fine. I expect everyone to be on their best behavior while I take a brief absence away from my office(too many sick people) you all know where I keep my stash, have at it. See you all in a few days.

With luv,
Ya friendly neighborhood doc
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Where I'm at. 6 feet distance rule
Grocery stores, fast food, pharmacy are allow to open and shutdown at a certain time, certain warehouses can still operate, delivery/shipping drivers can work, even public transportation can still operate.

Many people has to rely on collecting unemployment, hearing that they cannot turndown anyone but who knows, it's gonna be delays cuz it's alot of claims, it's up to the important people, everything is getting send a letter..

I'm still working and for the pass recent 5 days I work, I been getting 2x a hour which is coming to a check real soon, guess I should be lucky idk, tired everyday, but still got bills. I guess so many people would rather get food delivered instead of going to the market.
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And oh yea, for fast food places where I'm at, there only doing "Take Outs"..
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The U.S is stupid.
There's 2 cruise ships that arrived in Florida to spread the C-Virus that much more.
Instead of stopping all incoming cruise ships from docking, the u.s continues adding more & more to the outbreaks.

Why not have cruise ships dock offshore & use them as quarantined floating hospitals with only doctors, qualified medical personal, & supplies boated back & forth.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
Use boats as hospital, hmmm not bad.
, I guess the U.S is that stupid.
I mean people right now still not listening to the curfew planted in certain towns, and virus continues to spread.
I can tell that a person looks sicks, and I just keep my distance, but gotta be careful regardless...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
You are absolutely right,
Even the mayor and the TOWN of Sacramento is being charged by the guvnor for not taking the quarantine seriously,
its ridiculous that people are not getting serious it, this shit is nasty and it will knock you or someone you love right out...
Redbear, post: 32926, member: 1 Wrote:You are absolutely right,
Even the mayor and the TOWN of Sacramento is being charged by the guvnor for not taking the quarantine seriously,
its ridiculous that people are not getting serious it, this shit is nasty and it will knock you or someone you love right out...
I know right.

If the U.S had quarantined people on ships anchored of the shores turning curse ships into make shift hospitals that could slowed down contamination greatly.
Need room for the infected & sick?
How many Ships does the U.S have?

Why not put them to use.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
A family member of mine is already texted positive for COVID-19, he said he doesn't feel sick buy still, all I can do is prey...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
Kwa, post: 32945, member: 6 Wrote:A family member of mine is already texted positive for COVID-19, he said he doesn't feel sick buy still, all I can do is prey...

A majority of those affected heal up just fine, lets just hope they are in good enough condition for this.

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