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WTF ya doing?
Kwa, post: 2875, member: 6 Wrote:Oh okay, a screen protector i don't have, but i'll get one..
Since it's a touch screen then those are a must.

Kwa, post: 2875, member: 6 Wrote:But anyway, I got the vita "white" for $160 plus a $20 warranty, I also got marvel vs capcom infinite for $40, 8gb memory card for $30 and DOA5 plus for free, all together $250 plus a Lil tax..
That's not bad
Damn straight , $250 would usually get u a family console, but i got like 40 items for that must.
Now the only thing is, i don't know how to eject the memory card so i'm stuck with the 8gb, cuz it's feels that i'm gonna demand something, but i insert it right, but taking it out is a problem
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Gamestop has a buy 2 get 1 free in my town, plus i am a gamestop membership status is elite pro, 20% off pre owned games and accessories, 30 poimt per dollar spend, 20% extra r
Trade credit, buy 2 get 1 free welcome gift, $50 in exclusive monly offers and more, yearly membership price is $30...
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6 months and yesterday was the day for my dentist appointment, not a big fan of that shit, but this the 3rd time in the row i went and don't have a new cravity, a streak after a long time..
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sitting here reading these replys to this thread, while thinking about what to get people for xmas.
Now my sesonal job is tripping dedutting the hours, starting next week i gotta work 6pm-12am for the rest of the season..
2pm-12am was another option but it's too risky, i don't want to lose another job for being late by over sleeping..
But i did do a survey..
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Damn, my friends birthdays 2moro, and he can't even get the game he wanted, keep saying that i'm lucky but i don't call it luck, u have to work to get the things u want, but he's situation is way too different.
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My friend text me last nignt, turns out his mother did get him the gsme he wanted..

Can't wait until the holidays to catch another sale...
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Being a elite pro is nice, getting shit when the price will dedut 20%
Comin from downtown, i met up with a female that i graduated HS with, and she got 2 kids, damn everybody has kids these days, like comimg fast is hell..
Still glad i don't have any, i don't think that's gonna happen to me...
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About to have myself a lil good time at the roller skating ring, mifjt as well, go the weekend and get money every week for now at this job, might keep going when peak is over...
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Kwa, post: 3070, member: 6 Wrote:Still glad i don't have any, i don't think that's gonna happen to me...

Unless your careful, yep..its gonna happen Big Grin
For me to be shy to even talk to a girl, plus it's nothing to talking about, I'm quiet/stay to myself..
I know I have to use a condom, but even if I get my first time, I ain't gonna know what to do, real talk bruh, I'm the shy type, so it might not happen, it's possible, I don't really see myself being a father...
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Went skating today, still got it but can't spin or none of that professsional shit ain't trying to bust my ass, but i dance my ass, mad children, and fine females in my age range, but didn't talk to nobody no skate with no one, my shell shit is deep...
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wished i could Ice Skate,
they are opening the ice skating arena this week, i can surf and skateboard damn nice, but roller blades and ice skating still escapes me.
U can surf and skateboard, damn i can't do those shits, even regular skating ain't my natural telant, females be liking guys that can skate backwards for some reaspn, do spin/360, i once saw a guy do a cartwheel, i can move my legs while skating but i can' do this trick but i can skate..
Dancing and drawing is what i like to do, i already do me, but i look at a guy on youtune and instagram so much that i wish i could dance like him but can't, instead i can watch him and put things my own like make my own stuff, not doing exactly what this person does..
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Doesn't make any since, i am falling asleep back and forth all day yesterday, like damn, i know that can cause by staying up overnight but not that badly...
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Its Fall, your body is probably going into " Its Getting Fuckin Cold" mode,
and just wanting you to sleep and hibernate like a bear or a squirrel,
or you could just be exhausted from the work time schedule switch.
That's a good one man, it do be cold when i'm outside heading for work, not cold in work
About the schedule switch, man this macy's job really done it with the hours now, forgot the reason they changed..
2 options, 2pm-12am or 6pm-12am, no more overnight..
I went for starting at 6pm cuz the other option, well i'll just say, i don't want to get fire for lateless, still get paid every week, same days off, it's crazy cuz this job got there crazy reason for changing shit and me getting $300+ was about to start on the 8th and forward, now that might change cuz my pay rate is still the same...
I gonna miss 7pm-5:30am, oh well, gotta get use to making $200+ every week, i wanna make money but don't wanna lose it..
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In fact, this job is only seasonal, easy job too, i did a servey last week about if i want to become regular after peak season, of course i marked "yes", like fuck it...
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Where can i get a screen protector for the vita anyway, i mean my shit looks used is hell, don't look brand new, it only came with an charger and the device,
I got a 3 in 1 change i can use for my phone, psp, and vita itself...
Can't really expect 2 much for $160..
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[Image: XSevenK.png]

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