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Okay i started a Doctor Who Season 11 thread on a different forum & posted my thoughts on each episode.
I went on to say i think it's a bit heavy handed when it comes to pushing the PC agenda, & a few went ape lol.
I watch cause i like Doctor Who & continue watching cause i have some hope it could be decent again.

Here's the entire thread post for post, tell me what you think.

VSW Wrote:Hmmmmm.
I just watched the 1st episode of season 11 & it was Meh.

It didn't seem like a Doctor Who episode as much as it did an episode of Class.
By that i mean less grand alien space traveler & more grounded alien vistor stuck on earth.
Maybe the second episode will be better, but the moment it starts in on some PC/Fem regressive nonsense agenda i'm done.

ANYWAY What are your thoughts on Season 11 ????

Mister MacPhisto
Well if you are looking for so called fem nonsense to cause you to jump ship iirc no other incarnation built their own sonic screwdriver.

Tagging in Dragoon to confirm as my only recent watches are Eccleston up. Watched the hell out of it as a kid but not seen any of the old stuff in eons.

Dragoon Wrote:Women can't be engineers, the show is so unrealistic. I shall stop watching immediately.

(No, no previous incarnation has built their own... Smith built his own sort-of-TARDIS in "The Doctor's Wife" though)

VSW Wrote:It's not about what she built, i don't care about that.
I'm just hoping it doesn't lay the self righteous preaching speeches conveying toxic feministic rants expressing PC culture about how woman are strong, female empowerment, men are inferior beasts, etc.
Showing nothing but a division between the male & female sex doesn't express unity.
That type of message goes nowhere in the way forward torwards any steps in the direction of real progress & that's not what the Doctor is about.

The entire toxic PC culture is so-far beneath the Doctor that it shouldn't be a thought to the Doctor.
Sure it could be brought up but given the nature of who the Doctor is it should be instantly knocked down by instances portraying a strong conveyance of equality.

As far as what the Doctor is capable of.
C'mon, it's the Doctor.
The Doctor rebooted the entire universe twice i think, c'mon.

The sonic screwdriver though, it's cool she built a new one but there's the issue of the previous sonic screwdriver lost. And it has a collection of data stored since the 1st Doctor.
The War Doctor. So there's that.

Definitely should find that.

Dragoon Wrote:"I'm the Doctor. Sorting out fair play throughout the universe"

That is exactly who the Doctor is. I don't see anything wrong with them using this incarnation to empower everyone - not just women. I mean the show has been spouting an anti-war message since it came back in 2005 and no one seems to have had any complaints about that. Doctor Who reflects back at us the best of humanity and what is currently happening, so fully expect the "PC brigade" of female empowerment, and if you don't like that... you don't have to watch it.

VSW Wrote:That's what i'm saying. That's My Point.
Not just women, but fair play for all. I've made all of what you just said clear.

Any PC brigade gender focused BS of one is over the other does nothing but sets the series backwards not forwards.

Dragoon Wrote:By everyone I INCLUDE women. In fact, I expect a disporportionate amount of lifting women up, which is fine. Men have had that since the dawn of time.

VSW Wrote:"Doctor Who"
Human progress isn’t measured by industry. It’s measured by the value you place on a life. An unimportant life. A life without privilege. That’s what defines a age. That’s what defines a species.

Human Life, as in ALL human life.
Just because one side does something isn't progress when the other follows suit.

Dragoon Wrote:Sure Jan. If you're gonna get mad about it, then it's probably a good thing you won't be part of the community anymore afterwards.

VSW Wrote:Are you referring to me ?

Mister MacPhisto
Dragoon lol.

The funny bit is what I said about the screwdriver was subtext vs overt rant.

VSW Wrote:Rant?

So you two take any criticism towards something, any reasonable concerns, any expressed differences in views or opinions other than your own as the person or anyone really, as always being mad or even possibly angry over any particular event ?

Dragoon Wrote:They're not reasonable though. They're sexist.

Mister MacPhisto Wrote:Dude I was referring to the overt preaching rant dialogue speeches that you yourself were condemning in an earlier post.

Which makes criticism of Dragoon and I as ironic and hilarious. Perhaps even hypocritical. Maybe chill and take your own advice? Because as often as the two of us disagree if we are coming to similar conclusions you might have a problem. Maybe even a condition.

VSW Wrote:I'm sorry but what posts were you two reading, cause apparently it very much seems to me you both are projecting some sorta gathered collection of negative feelings & emotions when interpreting what you read.

Which also gives off a strong vibe that neither of you understand what the words condemning, rant, reasonable, or sexist, actually mean.

However it's nice to see where either of you stand & how you truly view the opinions of others that are opposite your own.

So thank you for responding & i now know not to waste anymore time on either of you two.

You're welcome to continue the conversation expressing your own points of view.

So Good Day to you two.

Mister MacPhisto Wrote:Dude. Just commented on subtext that can be read into female version of the doctor on one end of the spectrum of what you are going on about here.

Nothing else.

Someone disagrees with you, points out how you might be wrong, or even you say stuff which is triggers for some and it is.the other person who is the problem.


Or learn how to read.

VSW Wrote:Take your own advice learn how to read then you both need to re-read my posts, stop, think, avoid filling in the blanks with extremely poor assumptions.
Really, because you both are completely way wrong.

Otherwise there's no reason for me to waste my time on you two.

Mister MacPhisto Wrote:Maybe post something beyond nonsensical gibberish that only makes sense to you and then pitching hysterical fits when you are called out on it.

Twice now in this thread you have made the claim of not wasting time in my direction despite having gone through the song and dance before of how you said you are not wasting more time on me. Do you mean it this time? Or with your next rant? Or the one after that?

I mean you are the one going into entertainment threads ranting about the political angles or possible ones then getting butthurt when someone disagrees with your views.

Does Riri Williams fronting an Iron Man book make me roll my eyes? Sure. But more due to it being Bendis thinking he is clever and the fact they had to scrap Stark and Rhodey to make it happen. Nevermind Rhodey had fronted the book twice before. But it really is not a diversity thing so much as it is Marvel repackaging old crap and saying it is new yet people want to go yay diversity or the opposite without both sides realizing they are being played. Scrapping two characters to add yet another derivative is a net loss. Period.

But eh, whatever. You are just gonna be doing the same crap somewhere. Probably when 007 gets cast black or gay.

Or when you realize Zod in Krypton is black.

VSW Wrote:Yes i am done with you, i've never started off by responding to you.

lol but i really think you should be clear & re-read the past history of posts between us because it can be clearly seen everything you just now mentioned, you're the one you are referring to as the only one expressing any type of ranting butthurt.

Mister MacPhist Wrote:Claims to not respond anymore AGAIN (or again again?).


VSW Wrote:I saw episode 3 & in my opinion it lays the pandering on really thiiiick here.
It's far too obvious in the network's attempt at being diverse & hitting the viewers over the head with it repeatedly.

When content does that then it loses its meaning & turns awkward, uncomfortable & becomes a gimmick done for the sake of doing it.

Here's a quote i found that i agree with.

The rules are different when narrative tension comes from the way in which a character is different. In this way, the statement that "I don't care what they look like" is only partially true if a character's appearance is meant to inform their struggle, or is an aspect of the conflict.

A better way to phrase it might be, "a character's appearance shouldn't affect my ability to enjoy a good story." Hopefully, we can all understand human conflict, and empathize with loneliness or the feeling of being different. It's here where I think my original point applies. If it's a story worth telling, and a convincing character that the audience wants to see succeed, extraneous notions regarding diversity in media melt away. At least for me.

I rather see the characters for who they are & what they can do, i rather not be reminded of how diverse they are.
Because by always pointing it, by always making note of so blantly, it objectifies any characters & the idea of diversity altogether.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:I think this is very dismissive. As a show originally produced by a woman and directed by a gay Asian dude, the show has always been incredibly progressive and absolutely always concerned with commentating on the past through wiser eyes. The Rosa episode is not only indicative of what Doctor Who is ultimately about, but is absolutely a "story worth telling".

I especially think the racial commentary this season has been far less heavy handed than let's say, sexuality by Moffat, even if I do think Chibnall is a pretty bang average writer. Furthermore, racial tension and discussion is more topical now than it has been in a long time - these are important issues today, much like the Doctors excellent commentary on xenophobia at the height of British outrage in the Zygon Inversion a couple of years ago.

Pandering to diversity is having a black, white and Asian companion, sure - even though I'd say that's very representative of British city life - but writing an episode about Rosa Parks is absolutely not.

Dragoon Wrote:Also - what does it matter even when the show does pander to anyone that isn't white? It's about time the ethnocentricity moved a little bit. The show has tried to handle these topics before in very subtle ways, but now it isn't; and I don't hate it.

VSW Wrote:I very much disagree with everything you've said except on 1 aspect.

Here's why i do not care for Season 11 so-far.

Season 11 & PC culture is the embodiment of this part of Eric Cartman.

People think they are doing something politically correct & diverse but they aren't.

Generally Speaking.....
Just because someone has a few black friends or a few friends of diversity doesn't mean you understand & doesn't make anyone anymore politically correct then the next person.
In fact it makes you even more politically incorrect & clueless as you're using your diverse friends for just that purpose.
To show you have diverse friends.

Screaming foul & offensive over something not because you're offended but because you feel others of a different ethnicity or gender might be offended even though you have absolutely no clue if they actually are YET you voice outrage on their behalf not because it's the right thing to do, but you wanna feel apart of something.
The thing is that does not make you politically correct either.

That's something the politically correct culture of today & general media does not get at all.
Stop showing off how you love diversity by calling attention to it & mentioning it repeatedly.
You're showing off diversity by objectify individuals of diversity while continuously reminding everyone how you love & support diversity yet still only doing it for the sake of doing & not an actual belief in it.

These shows like Season 11 Doctor Who, these attempts in the entertainment industry, does not get it.
True diversity is when you're treating everyone the same regardless of gender or ethnicity not doing it to make you look good & expecting something out of it.

I agree seasons past was very subtle with it & that's why for me it worked.
Not because they were so busy pointing out every 4minutes saying HEY See i'm not racist or sexist i have friends of diversity & a different genders. But because everyone was treated equally.

I also see that's there's alot of people who don't like Season 11 because of that. Alot of people who don't like politically correct culture because of how clueless the followers are & how clueless the messages is.

It's why so many Doctor Who fans stopped watching.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:Everything you've said it a generalized comment on pc culture and nothing specific to Doctor Who whatsoever. The Rosa episode was literally written by one of the most famous black writers alive, whose prior work on civil rights analogy is highly accomplished.

You don't like diversity, good job. But I like my shows to be an accurate representation of not only the audience watching them, but the people its attempting to represent, and having grown up in a 70 percent Asian community I'm very aware that when Yas is talking about being called a paki, she is only touching on the kind of vitriolic racist bullshit that I hear on an every day basis.

If you don't like a politically motivated show, then don't watch Doctor Who. It's second serial was a Nazi analogy.

Dragoon Wrote:I think it comes from a place of ignorance as well and a lack of understanding in how the show is made. Chibnell has made vert smart decisons on how he has hired writers, producers, directors, etc all to portray the characters on screen as authentically as possible. You can't sit there and moan about the "PC Brigade" and how "They think they're being diverse but they're not" when the characters are being written, directed, or produced by the communities the character is a part of. There is a new writers room type ethos on Doctor Who now where, yes Chibnell and another writers name will appear in the credits, but multiple writers would have had some input in to it also, specificially regarding accurate representation. Nothing the show has done has been mishandled or insensitive, and has gone a good job of showing the kind of world these cultures are part of.

I'll echo Celes here, if you don't like it or the new direction is going on, you don't have to watch the show. No one is forcing you to. But I can tell you one thing, the show has a long history of holding up a mirror to society and it isn't going to stop any time soon.

VSW Wrote:That is very much part of why so many can't stand politically correct culture.
Because they try explaining their reasons & others don't listen & just see what they wanna see.

I'm asking you point blank.

WHERE Did i say i don't like diversity ?

Dragoon Wrote:All this bitching about the "PC brigade" for one. This 'brigade' isn't about having black friends or gay friends or having the audacity to let women work. It's the exact opposite of this box ticking exercise you're complaining about. This PC Brigade is literally about making sure cultures are understood and represented accurately and fairly, that everyone is able to express themselves, that everyone has the right to be represented, that everyone is included fairly.

You said you don't like diversity when you completely misunderstood this whole social movement in some attempt to seem 'woke'.


VSW Wrote:Re-read what i said & take the time to really think about it.

Dragoon Wrote:Is that meant to mean something or?

Celes Leonhart Wrote:Your point is that the diversity of Doctor Who is not "true" diversity. I don't know who you are to make that judgement call, but sure, I'll give you your opinion; but it's highly hypocritical to call people out for misreading your point when you're actively ignoring the points that other people are making that contradict what you're saying. How can a black writer be appropriating the cultural feelings of a culture she's already apart of?

The irony is, I actually hate pc culture for the most part. But you're not arguing about pc culture. You're suggesting an episode about the most important moment in civil rights history, in a show about history and humanism, is pandering, when it's literally what the show is based on.

VSW Wrote:Then omg by all means please Re-read what i said & take the time to really think about it.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:Why don't you respond to what we've said?

VSW Wrote:Because you really should Re-read & think about my earlier post.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:I've reread your posts 3 times and every time I do, I wonder, "why won't VampireWicked actually respond to the specific points we are making instead of waffling about some ideological war on political incorrectness?"

Dragoon Wrote:We have literally read over your posts and replied to your posts. I... I don't get what we've missed or misunderstood. If we're both, independently, coming to the same conclusion on what you are saying, I think it is you who needs to re-read what you've said and think about it and actually respond to our posts properly. Because, you know, you've blamed the PC brigade for doing the exact thing you're doing now haha.

VSW Wrote:Then we have absolutely nothing more to say to each other because i've responded to you both & you BOTH are doing exactly as i said before, you don't get it & fail to see my point so there's nothing more to be said except lets agree to disagree.

Mister MacPhisto Wrote:VampireWicked

Maybe you should reread your own posts. There is a disconnect between what you are saying and what you think you are saying.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:Nah I'll pass on that. You've many times failed to explain how a black writer writing about her own experiences, is in fact someone being offended for someone else.

You are being purposely obtuse because you want to maintain a political position rather than having an informed discussion. I hate offense culture too, but I'm actually willing to talk about it instead of reaffirming an ideology.

Mister MacPhist Wrote:Celes Leonhart

Here is the thing though, you and I as well as Dragoon and I are not shy about disagreeing. Three of us on the same page means something is a no brainer, stinks like a fish, or a is a random act of chance.

Bet it is not the last one.

VSW Wrote:lol Oh C'mon, Really!?
Because it's not her writing about her experiencing, it's the issue of it being used to promote this obvious pandering message, this false image of "Here See We Are So Woke, We Like People Of Diversity!"

That's what why she was there, that's why Rosa was an episode of Doctor Who.
Not necessarily because Chris Chibnall or whomever at BBC believes in awareness & understanding, but done for the reason of having that image of Yes we are Woke.

And they are not.
Doing something just to look good & appease a specific crowd only makes come across as trying way too hard & missing the entire point.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:I see your sneaky edit there, I'll take the bait one last time.

Yes, that's why Malorie Blackman was there. Not because she's one of the most important and influential authors of YA literature ever, and any show would be absolutely lucky to have contribute to its discussion. But because the show is trying to be "woke".

And you're right, that's why Rosa Parks was in an episode. Not because Doctor Who is famous for exploring famous people of history, like when Vincent Van Gogh was used to explore mental health or when Hitler was literally in the show, because of course, the show has never had a political agenda. Not even when the speech your bio is from is literally when the Doctor punched a racist for being racist. They chose Rosa Parks because it seems woke. Not because of an explosion of racial discussion with the likes of Get Out, the choice to kneel and Black Lives Matter. But because it appears woke. Malorie Blackman is a fraud, and Doctor Who is not inherently political, you're right.

Your specific analysis and examples have enlightened me. Now, I too, am actually woke, rather than trying to be woke.


Dragoon Wrote:Guarenteed, this would not be an issue if the historical figure was white.

This is bordering on racist now. Where were you complaining about Van Gogh, or Charles Dickens, or the female Agatha Christie? They clearly only included good ol' Agatha to sate the raging feminists in the audience and to pander to the lesbian agenda.

PS If the above seems ridiculous to you, all I've done is applied the logic of your current argument to previous actual stories of Doctor Who. Check yourself.

also Celes Leonhart if I could like your post more than once, I'd spam your notifications so hard.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:"Woke" didn't exist then so there was no keyword to endlessly repeat

Dragoon Wrote:Ah yes I forgot, political correctness only came to be around circa 2013 mb.

VSW Wrote:I'm not trying to be sneaky, i'm not trying to enlighten you.
I see no reason in putting in the effort towards something like that.

It's very clear you've already made up your mind about my opinions cause it very much shows you have little acceptance for an opinion different then your own.

You failed at understanding or make a decent attemp at trying to understand what i did say & just filled the blanks with what you assumed based on your own view instead of actually paying attenion to what you're reading.

If you did then you'd realize I never said past episodes, past seasons didn't have a political agenda, i even said they did. It's the obvious heavy handedness & sloppy amount of PC pandering of Season 11 i don't care for.

And Celes Leonhart don't give a like to my post because i don't care for your mockery.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:If you can post again I'll like that one too.

I actively responded to every single point you made and every time you told people to "reread" your post.

You have yet to give a single example of where the episode is heavy handed.

You argued that the show used to be more subtle when it's second ever serial was analogous for Nazis, 11 met Hitler, and the quote from your profile is from the Doctor punching a racist for being racist to his black lesbian companion, that you'd certainly know was a lesbian because her whole character arc was bookended by her sexuality.

You suggested that what shows like season 11 Doctor Who get wrong is choosing to be offended on behalf of other people, when the episode is written by someone who has personally experienced what they're writing about. You can be certain this applies to Yas too.

You suggested that picking Rosa Parks is "pandering" to some sort of new audience, when it's the same audience Doctor Who has always had; one that left leaning. Furthermore, you are suggesting that this means she is not interesting in her own right - as if Rosa Parks isn't one of the most important and most taught figures in Western history.

Either engage someone on a specific point, back your arguments up or leave your hoity hypocritical high horse at home - apparently we've all made our minds up when it certainly looks like, considering you literally made your first post in this thread anticipating a feminist and sjw agenda, that you were going to find one whether it existed or not.

VSW Wrote:And it's very clear you refuse to see any whether it existed or not.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:I already said I thought it was pandering to have a white, Asian and black companion. So you going to discuss anything particular or continue not to?

Celes Leonhart Wrote:I already have, you've just been arguing against your own assumptions of my opinions.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:If you like dude.

VSW Wrote:Okay let me ask you, do you think ROSA makes Doctor Who woke?

Celes Leonhart Wrote:No... I do not. I wouldn't personally even see woke being used in the way that you are.

But either way, I see Rosa as a heavily political episode that has a clear agenda, but was well handled and was appropriate to the show. I don't think it's any more woke than usual, and I'd say I think was handled better than other times Doctor Who has approached a sensitive topic.

VSW Wrote:That's fine, you don't have to see it that way but as you said i do.

It's something so incredibly obvious that even i see it as that's something i never look for & try avoiding whenever possible.

This i disagree with but i welcome your opinion.
This like each episode of Season 11 so-far, the Doctor took a back seat as the political agenda was the forefront of the episode.

As said before the subtle of Doctor Who is gone while the main focus is that image of proving a point of being politically correct takes center stage.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:And again, I would like to hear specific examples of how this is true because I think you are making it up. I have constantly shown how a political agenda has been much less subtle in the past.

There is no point making such a dramatic claim unless you have something to support your point.

For instance, what political agenda was at the forefront of episode 2, and how was it more political than 12 confronting victorian racism?


Dragoon Wrote:I like how he flatout ignored my post.

Also just so we're clear, and it's been bugging me this whole time, you're using the term 'political correctness' completely... incorrectly. I hope this definition will clear that up for you.

the avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.

Aint nothing politically correct about "Rosa". In fact, the subtlety of previous Who episodes concerning things like racial bias or segregation could actually be more about being politically correct than Rosa.

VSW Wrote:You mean how Season 11 episode 2 pushing the feminist movement & how it portrays men to unthinking obnoxious violate sexist pigs ?

Back to Rosa, how can i be anymore specific other than stating the entire episode itself.
Every white person in the episode was racist.
It's amazing how that's the story "Rosa" just happens to take place conveniently enough when there's two companions Yasmin & Ryan of a different diversity.
Even more amazing is that Ryan isn't as familiar with rosa parks yet Yasmin is.
Or how there's more obnoxious violate men portrayed in the episode then obnoxious violate women.

Are you asking about Season 10 episode 12 ?

How the heck would you know i wasn't complaining about it somewhere else.
What makes you certain that wasn't a possibility.

In each of those episodes & characters you mentioned, Van Gogh, Charles Dickens, Agatha Christie.
What was the forefront of focus, The Doctor & science fiction elements or some political agenda ?

Politically correct definition is - conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated.
Check Yourself

Dragoon Wrote:lmao the 'correct definition' The definition I gave you is from the dictionary. Any other definition is completely false. LMAO even your definition proves you wrong as well.

VSW Wrote:No, any other definition then your own would be false in your eyes.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:I'm out dude. You're saying the Van Gogh episode is more about a scifi story than a political agenda, even though it's pretty widely considered a weak scifi backdrop to a historical discussion about mental health, than season 11 episode 2 which is literally about a space race on a deserted planet where one of the 4 men in the episode is somewhat mysoginistic. If him standing by side with a woman is in your eyes a bad thing (you know, feminism and all) then we fundamentally want different things from our shows.

If the Rosa Parks episode had happened with Martha and Bill, would you still be talking about how convenient it is? Or are you, for the fourth time, going to ignore that a quote from your profile is from an episode where a racist white man is punched for racist to a black lesbian character?

Apparently using the dictionary to understand the meaning of words is wrong...

OK dude. Good luck with your political agenda.

Dragoon Wrote:This guy saying that the dictionary definition of a word isn't true. I, too, am out bahahahahahaha

VSW Wrote:I've answered your questions, i gave reasons why it's obvious to me & You're not trying to have a discussion or even accept my opinion for what it is, you're simply trying to dismantle it & tear it down.
Not because it's accurate or not but because you don't want to see it that way & it's an opinion different then yours & you don't agree with it. So by your logic i must be flawed right.

Well too bad, because i'm standing by it.
You don't want to see it that way then great.
You're Out, then that's great too because i wasn't trying to sway you to see things my way or convince anyone of anything anyway. You can either accept it or not.
Up to You.

You're Out, See Ya.
Thanks For The Likes

Dragoon Wrote:Have fun standing by your fallacy. Meanwhile, we're all just gonna keep enjoying the show. ok

Celes Leonhart Wrote:Sorry dude, I can't hear your assumptions about me over how self righteous you are.

Mister MacPhisto Wrote:I ran out of popcorn.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:I ran out of patience. First forum breakdown of Neo circa 2018

I normally save this sort of energy for actual nazis


Dragoon Wrote:Think of it as good practice.

Mister MacPhisto Wrote:Well some people have a pretty limited bag of tricks.

In this case repeated poorly formed or expressed opinion on something he actively makes the decision to view and then rant about, and then cries foul when called on or disagreed with.

I look forward to the first time 007 is depicted as black, female, or gay.

Or rather not. Not enough popcorn on the planet.

Vicarious Wrote:I read this entire thread out of boredom and I've got to say Celes and Dragoon brought up a lot of good points. I don't understand why VW kept saying "reread my post and think on it" or just completely dismissing your opinions like they weren't real. I don't even watch the show but from reading this I think vw is wrong and Celes actually had really detailed posts that made a lot of sense.

Celes Leonhart Wrote:That's just an English degree for you dude. Gotta back what you say up otherwise you haven't said anything, haha.

Mister MacPhisto Wrote:What? You mean not just make stuff up?

VSW Wrote:"Vicarious"
No i'm not wrong, because it's MY opinion. It was never stated not once as absolute fact, but stated as MY opinion.
They are wrong for not wanting to accept that.

They asked me to explain why i had my reasons & i explained why, all they did was reply by tossing passed episodes at me saying well if you think Season 11 is heavy handed then where you on Season blah blah blah.

Their entire end game was telling me in a roundabout way that isn't your opinion as it couldn't be mine cause i don't see it that way nor should you.

Instead of giving their own opinions on each episode & why they think the way they do on them, they spent 5pages criticising mine.

Dragoon even implied i was sexist.

I'm ignorant

I have no reason to convince them of nothing or persuade them into seeing my point, i simply shared my feelings on Season 11 & that's was it.
So why would explain MY opinion when it wouldn't change nothing about them.

Celes Leonhar Wrote:Because if you want to talk a load of shit, you have to expect to be called on it. You can play the opinion card all day long, but - shock horror - opinions can still be illinformed.

Would you like me to quote my opinions on why Rosa was a well handled episode again? Or my opinions on Arachnids which I posted in its own thread?

Funny that you missed responding to that point over and over again...likely because, what I've said directly contradicts your "opinion".

Celes Leonhar Wrote:More importantly, if you don't want to discuss with people, stop discussing with people.

You've spent every single post making implications about everyone else's character, rather than our points; that we're aggressive, that we don't respect opinions, that what you've done is so much more of a decent person than what we've done.

And you wonder why we're responding the way we are.

How about this, if you're such a bigger, better man, stop telling us you are and actually crack on with it.

VSW Wrote:But at the end of the day there still opinion & contradicting an opinion doesn't keep it from being an opinion.

I give a reason & you'd contradict it like you're doing something amazing beyond proving you're opinion on the matter.

Is that suppose to change my mine, cause me to have a different opinion just because YOU see something that way.
Are you trying to persuade me to your view ?

I don't quote your opinions on whatever because i don't care about your opinions on whatever.

I didn't spend my time going after you now did i.
You didn't call anybody out, you're looking for to justify myself to you because you can't accept a difference of opinion.

Hmmmp, That's the problem.
You & what's ya call em freaked over someone OH NO! not seeing things your way & you think by referencing older episodes & demands views on them & not getting what you've requested that you actually done something like wronged me.

Well thing is i didn't answer because no matter what my reply is for those older episodes, new flash for ya. My opinions about Season 11 still remains as it is.
Season 11 Of Doctor Who is heavy handed in pushing the PC agenda.

Post what ya want, say what ya want, think what ya want. But it won't change a think about how i feel about Season 11.

Now if IIIFFF You & whomever else can't accept & get over that, then how about ya'll stop spending so much time trying to get people to justify themselves to you.
You might be a little happier.

Now i'm out, peace. Smile

[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.

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RE: AM I WRONG ? AM I NOT ALLOWED TO MY OPINIONS. - by VSW - 11-13-2018, 07:38 AM

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