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Wikipedia Says Your Browser's Connection Security is Outdated.
Crash, post: 9499, member: 16 Wrote:Was bound to happen, folks.
With Trumpty Dumpty's clown's rebuking Net neutrality, a lot of companies and organizations against this blasphemy simply took matters into their own hands.
In order to protect your privacy and security, they only enable browsers to access their sites which have build-in SSL (Secure Socket Layer) support. Those sites usually start with "https" - where the "s" simply stands for 'secure'.
I know it sux, but y'all should actually be grateful they took that step.
Yup but this started before Trump.
I joined PSPGhetto because https first started being a problem as source sites with download links began switching to https & the PSP & PS3 couldn't download anything as they could not access those https sites at all.

The thing is the PSP & PS3 can access https sites just not every https site.
Not sure why, i think if a site is poorly secured like not all content is properly secured then the PSP/PS3 & a few other browser types have issue with access.

Redbear, post: 9493, member: 1 Wrote:why does the company need to do this type of shit,
i understand about security holes and stuff, but the PS3 browser is a piece of crap anyhow, i mean it freezes the PS3 on a regular basis where it needs to be shut off manually, then it does its systems check,
and if it screwed it up, bam, it will reformat for you.

Not just PSP & PS3 though.
I think chrome & another browser type has issue too.

But wikipedia doing this is something slightly different i think.
I think it's an upgrade thing where they're pulling a Youtube & dropping support for certain browser types & devices plain & simple.
Like Youtube dropping flash support for HTML5 so certain browser types cannot play Youtube videos at all.
No Youtube videos can be played through any site not going on Youtube itself. If your browser cannot upgrade to HTML5 then no videos can be seen by that device period.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
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RE: Wikipedia Says Your Browser's Connection Security is Outdated. - by VSW - 07-30-2018, 09:51 PM

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