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fuck family friends fuck just fuck
I'm so pissed right now it's not even funny
family sucks sometimes you got older brothers trying to out do younger brothers
how the fuck why can't people just respect each other?
let them have there good news?

instead of finding out first and then making a plan for their news
one tells you their expecting a baby omg happy as fuck
then you figure out the older brother told you they are getting married to their girl just a few days before (3 years away) 3 freakin years wtf
everyone all secret like don't say anything to anyone.

I go to the fair after telling my oldest son I have no idea whats what
(no biggie)
I come home to the news a ex-coworker had a seizure and passed away.
he was a young man in his 30's had a 4 or 5 year old daughter.
he had them at work anywho
he's gone such a sweet guy
at the same time a co-worker I swear is drinking on the job is posting crazy shit on line
I try to talk with her
but I got another user
on my ass to contact his ex girl which he knows we are still friends

so basically I shut my phone off because I'm over that shit
it makes me sad because I couldn't reach out to my real friends

what I have learned if you are friends with someone don't be friends with their partner
cause fuck it sucks
That's some crazy shit there,
and here I was thinking my family was all fucked up.
man red this weekend has really been fucked
well it really started at the beginning of the week but its all fucked
And I thought my life was fucked beyond repair.Even my family hides stuff from me and I know it hurts and all, but what can you do.P S sorry about your friend.
I ended up deleting and blocking
said person fuck he left me alone a few weeks
and started msging again stating to him I had time to think I guess her or him
after a closing shift I told him about came home to spend some time with the hubby
I got a masg well its 12 blah blah
I guess I didn't get back to him soon enough
I was like wtf? wait a minute super pissed the next morning deleted and blocked
fuck that damn noise, fuck that damn noise
You don't need a Drama Queens like that in yer life Prml,
Good that ya kicked him to the Curb.
yeah man what kind of friend is that?
none that I know of
and in real life I have people I know hardly any I call actual friends.
that's just the way I am I just keep people at arms length ya know what I'm saying?
I have met some great people on-line and became "friends" with a few from my horror or pez groups
maybe about 3 or 4 we chat on the phone and shit about dumb shit, kids,life,
this is the first one that demanded I deleted an ex girl
don't get me wrong I am friends of with other friends partners but it wasn't you had to be friends with them
they sent me a request and later I figured out what the deal was so that's all good.
this dude was just off his rocker
about he was making a clean break some how my being friends with her made it not a clean break
"people do it all the time his way?? I'm still confused on that
it's just so fucked up after he sent the time oh its's after 12 shit I was like yeah I'm done
he ain't my mom or my husband neither of them even try to do that to me.
so yep he's out!
Oh, u mean if u friends with someone, don't be friends with the girlfriend...
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[Image: XSevenK.png]

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