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WTF ya doing?
Oh shit, double posting huh, got carried away there...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
well bear thanks for fancying the place up...ghouling it up? yeah that's it
looks awesome!!
so I'm out of work for 2 weeks Jimmy is in rehab recovering from the pneumonia and I can not visit due to this crap
oui what a mees
Man, I'm tired. My manager asked all the workers in the bakery to move to the front of the store to help at checkout and restocking the shelves. I've worked 12 hour shifts 3 days in a row, and I gotta do it again tomorrow. I'm gonna take a nap.
ChessMasterHex, post: 32214, member: 7 Wrote:Man, I'm tired. My manager asked all the workers in the bakery to move to the front of the store to help at checkout and restocking the shelves. I've worked 12 hour shifts 3 days in a row, and I gotta do it again tomorrow. I'm gonna take a nap.
wow that has to suck I know not everyone is getting time off my daughter is working too
its crazy ..
Damn, I actually in the same boat in my workplace, every time I go back to work it's supposed to be a new week, but this week start off like that.
My workplace was behind orders/shipping label that wasn't done in time and that had to get done. New week started off late, and before of that i have worked about 10-12hr for 3 days straight so far, still have today and tomorrow. Don't really like how this week play out that it's like I want to take a "PTO" and still get normal pay, cuz of this virus shit, my workplace wants to pay double on weeknd again, they just gave that out last week, didn't see it on my check, got a message stating that money this upcoming Tuesday, what I spend I got back and quite more.

Also, I got another raise..

Shift pay: $16.45
Shift Extra: $16.95
Extra $1 + .50 differential but 2 different rate, not $1.50 all in 1.

Sometimes I'm surprise that I handle myself in this breeze compare too how it was in "blue apron" to be honest...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
Turns out that the government approved that my workplace(HelloFresh) is allowed to Operate during the curfew, so no shutting down for me really, feels like I stand out..SadSad, tired everyday, this some bullshit, plus company being back up = long nights...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
Took a PTO yesterday, glad that I did too...
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
Working overtime keeping all my patients clean and healthy, I think they are real this time only lost about 14 of em. Ya doc here is over this sickness. I'll check back with you all in a few days. Luv all my Ghetto pals. RB I am still waiting on you to show for that examination. Wink you'll get that good ole lolli afterwards.

Be safe all of you. I've got some bodies to hide.

May the force be ever in your favor
Wait that's not right.
With great power comes great relief.
Nope not it either.
Anyways. To infinity and above.
Your neighborhood doc
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Nope, cant come in today Doc,
have a wedding today then a funeral tomorrow..
just keep getting all this stuff I have to do ya know.
Working long hours myself, only cuz my workplace is backed up, people keep ordering, I'm getting pay double but still.
This virus is so fucked up that I'm the only income for right now...
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
the rectent passed week, I was getting paid so much 2x time, 5 days, each with long nights excepted 1 day which was on my friday, every hour I worked was 2x my current rate, I received the most biggest check of my life really like my head was about to bust, sheesh...
Big checks bi-weekly throughout this coronavirus shit...
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
Time to sock some of it away Kwa,
maybe get enough to get yer own place and live yer own life..

Lets hear an Amen !!
Lol, I been started that, my savings just stayed the same for a long time, even now I'm the only income, but that's for now until further notice, but i'm gonna to some additional deposits..
Now even my job change my work schedule since they don't want to give overtime...

Now I'm off Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.
Work Wednesdays through Saturdays...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
Means more days off when I might catch ya online and have a race.
It starts 04/8, I still gotta work about 10hrs though, still 40 hours a week...

And whatever bruh, I haven't played burnout in a minute, but u sound persistent
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
I'm always online regardless if u notice cuz my phone, and I be on Vita too damn much.
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
Sorry for the 3x post, but I want toask something.
There this person that i'm following on IG, a young female too.
She tells me about this online market called "Forex", I read about, turns out it's all about exchanging currency worldwide.
Told this person that i'm good, cuz I work.
I find it kinda risky, I mean is it a good idea going for something like this, sacrifice cash...
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[Image: XSevenK.png]

Forex is great if you have had some training in stock exchanges, DO not trust anyone who wants to help you become a need to do that shit all on yer own,
trust no one when it comes to spending your money on their dreams..they get commissions every time they sign a new person you are just a simple meal ticket to her....
You know what bruh, u right, especially with the training part, I thought about that. This person tells me she uses it but that doesn't mean I should.
I don't think I would want to sacrifice earn cash to get something bigger. I wouldn't even know what I'm doing when it comes to the system. I heard it's popular, but hell no, people lost their minds.
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[Image: XSevenK.png]
Man, states is getting high, shit I wish people could just listen to the curfew order, come out only for essential needs, avoid large crowds, parties, etc, instead people is being stupid.
Even my job is taking high precautions, like people was already positive already.
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]

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