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Does this look like a knockoff controller? It doesn’t say DualShock 3 and you can see...
[Image: rSMyRRC1gC7CFutUK843kLlFTDiggDaThseOLqxl_kw.jpg] submitted by /u/cb4_89
from r/PS3

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it is a p3 controller, even I can tell, cuz I had plenty.
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
There like thousands of different types of ps3 controllers, I found one yesterday that lights up and turns the room into dayglo green.
Here are some ways to tell if it's a knockoff or not.

-The LEDs lights on the controller that signify which Player it is will not be flush with the outside shell. Official controllers are level all the way across.
-The seams beneath the analog sticks where the bottom and top halves of the plastic meet will be sharp.Official controlers are smoothly rounded off.
-The center Home button on a knockoff controller will be marginally darker than the Home button than on an official controller.Additionally the Playstation symbol may not be present either being replaced with something generic like P3 or just left blank.
-The SONY logo on the upper face of a Knockoff controller will not be aligned correctly with the standard controller.
-The Square, Triangle, Circle, and Cross buttons will be raised higher.The colors of these face buttons will also be dull, compared to the bright colors of an official DualShock 3. It could possible not even be the correct style/design used on official controlers.
-Every Knockoff controller i've owned or used haved lacked pressure sensitive face buttons.
-The label on the back of a knockoff controller will be a paper sticker.While the label on the back of an official controller will have a thin layer of plastic over the paper sticker, giving it a matte finish and a more protected feel.
-When you turn on a knockoff controller, the flashing red lights on the outside will actually shine through the casing of the device, something that would never happen on an official controler.
-Unofficial controllers may also have trouble connecting to the ps3.
-Best way to find out is to open the controller up and compare the insides to that of an official controller.For example if the battery is soldered to the circuit board or warped in plastic the controlers fake.
-An excessive amount of glue or solder is present and/or looks hastily/sloppily applied is a good give away that it's fake.

I've owned/repaired many a ps3 controler and those are some of the things that stuck out to me when comparing official controllers to knockoffs.

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