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real life
let me tell you life wont go the way you want it and no prayer or something like this is gonna help you.The only thing you can do make money or live comfortable is to work on that shit yourself.All this motivational shit and these quacks on the internet are money hungry shills.YOUR life is in your own hands and its not there forever you must act quick.ive started to work on some shit that'll get me where I want to go,will keep updating.
Bro it sounds like you been scammed and yer pissed about it,

I never ever paid any attention to those self centered peoples that say to follow their path to have success...
well we all see how that ended up for L.Ron Hubbard don't we,
Diagnostics to promote your life and make it better,he was so happy with hisself being all fuckin rich because of his sci fi books,
Shit.. and with the masses enough to start his own money cult... the church of scientology is based off of his beliefs,
And yet still the fucker killed himself long before any of that happened..

The best way to money and success is by the people you know that help you grow,
a book can help out, give you a coupla revelations and shit..
but you are right, yer the one that makes your own path.
so let them know its time to get out their weedwhackers and go to work !
I feel that you always have to help yourself in life.
My life ain't perfect, but money is like the best thing so far, sometimes I feel that u want to do something good i love what i do, hobbies that is, and many others do to, hearing positive comment makes me happy is hell...
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[Image: XSevenK.png]

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