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God damn, my sister and my mother, started arguing out of the blue, and it all started so random since my sister refuse to share some chips.
My sister "22yrs old sis" is all saying, she don't need our mother, nor she don't need for her to do anything for her bady, etc, now my young sister is gonna be put out and she's going to the 2nd grandmother's and/or the "x" boyfriends house.
Now it's gonna be just me and my mother, now i don't know what do to, if i was to get put out, i would have nothing but my father and he sells drugs, not trying to live with him, other than that i don't know, this all happen out of the blue..
I appreciate everything my mother did for me, since i have been giving her money, i always though it was the payment, that way she can do anything she wants if she has money left....
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
Update, now my mother and young sis made up and got it together, she decide not to left after all, which is good, cuz this fight was straight up meaningless foreal...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]
my wife and daughter went after each other yesterday also...big messy fight that left them both in tears and one telling the other she needed to get out and find a roommate...

they have made up since then...but damn I had to goto work wondering what type of house I was coming home too.
Females i guess man, idk, i mean i am sick how mother is in gerenal, money hungry, also expect me to feed her, but i'm give her money to do anything she want especially when bills is not due, it ain't my fault that she has a job that pays low, i have to wait and prey for a regular spot at mine, i'm still seasonal for now but i'm fighting.
Honestly i have not choice but to put up my mother, she toward me in my face that i won't last on my own, sad to admit but she got me there, she can be pity sometimes...
[Image: XSevenK.png]
[Image: XSevenK.png]

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