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A retro-inspired 2D Action RPG set in the distant future. A story about the distant future of gaming - from an unexpected angle. Plenty of characters and plot twists included. Master the bouncing ball mechanics and solve a whole bunch of puzzles. CrossCode has fast, action-packed combat filled with damage numbers. And we still managed to squeeze some strategy in there. Be a proper avatar and master all 4 elements: Cold, Heat, Shock and Wave. What, those are not the right elements? No idea what you are talking about. Being a proper RPG, CrossCode comes with tons of skills, equipment, items, NPCs, quests and all those fun little things consuming your precious time. CrossCode is full of awesome: huge hostile cyborg crabs, a seaman with a jetpack and head-banging meerkats.
Publisher: DECK13 Spotlight
Release Date: Jul 09, 2020

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