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reasons for not fond of the after effects of the hubby's stoke
this will be the only place I will post my grips not through out the forum

I'm gonna start with this one even though there is many
I understand it affected him in many ways I still love the crazy fuck
some days ...grrrrr

so reason 1
all the mother fucking football ...
don't get me wrong I love watching the Patriots!
so did he (before the stroke)
now it's every fucking game.. college,little,mini what the fuck ever is on..
I can ask who's playing ..most times he doesn't know but he's watching.
we have 3 TVs he watches it on the smallest one in the kitchen which is closest to the bathroom I get that
if I say im gonna go watch something else in the other room he thinks i'm mad and says he's sorry ..
it's like no watch what you want
I will be in the other room no big deal
he feel he needs me in the same room

strokes effects the family not just the person :-(
ok this really should be reason 1

all the gad damn laundry..the infection or whatever it was knocked us right back to day one
sometimes can't make it to the bathroom on time or during the night ..yeah shit get's real..real quick
but has been getting better ..ya see he is in a wheelchair due the actual stroke and is paralyzed on his right side which was
his dominate side so he had to learn everything left handed ..yeah no fun
omg the freakin doctors appointments
ya need a p-1 form for people that are handicapped i
its a form that an ambulance comes and gets a person that can't walk we're on the 2 nd floor
it has to be faxed from the doctors to the ambulance people then back
well since the hubby's hospitol visit we had a follow up with his PCP
the day before the office got flooded ..yeah
all last week they called and called and called .each time I explained the PT-1 form they all were gonna get back to me ...yeah no

so today I called the actual office lef the call back number where I repeatedly said we needed a new pt-1 form
they are at different offices each week according to the person I spoke with
who I explained over and over the pt-1 form
well maybe an appointment next Thursday ..lets see fuck....fuck
That sounds like ALOT of hoops you havta jump thru..

Why is it they make it so difficult you think?
Redbear, post: 27678, member: 1 Wrote:That sounds like ALOT of hoops you havta jump thru..

Why is it they make it so difficult you think?

Just living the stroke dream Red!
omg no idea wtf
I understand the main office got flooded it seems the doctors are moving week to week to different places to see people and that is a problem for the insurance
because it has to be submitted in advance that's hard to do if they don't know where the patient will be seen the following week..
jimmy has a visiting nurse and physical therapist come in every week so all their stuff is submitted so they kinda know how he's doing
so he is not a top priority I guess just assuming here but you know how that goes
Seems to me to be nothing but bullshit to make their wheels greasy and line their pockets with cash.
yeah we finally went to the appointment today in an all different clinic
explained all jim's issues seems they were very interested considering we explained the same things at the other place for a year and a half nothing was done
so maybe this is gonna work!
My wife is a good little soul who doesn't like issues at Doctors offices,
me tho,
Not fond of docs and their games and im pretty blunt and upfront about it..
im a six foot two asshole with a deep voice and a attitude to match,
also not likeable in any sense of the word and I come off as a mean rude mofo.

Might not like me, but shit gets done in a hurry just to clear the room of my presence Big Grin
LMFAO well too bad you couldn't come to the doctors appointments with us!!
Jimmy has passed away,
he went into the hospital not feeling well ..
whatever lot's of stuff in the end which started as UTI and low blood pressure
things just went downhill very quickly

He wanted to be cremated we had talked about it before hand (don't tell his family) I did *shrugs*
family has to know even though he was the black sheep.
so made some calls

never the less no calls really from his brothers or sister I did get a msg on facebook from his sister
thanking me for taking care of him ..

the funeral cremation home I used was fucking bullshit
call back ethic freaking horrible.
I talked to the owner each time
was annoyed we had an Urn and got all snippy about that
(my son bought one)
gave me one price.
I kept asking is this the total she said yes
so I paid Half on a credit card
one of his brother's wife paid 850
one the phone later asking for the balance
she gave another differant price so another 1500 dollars
on another card
so I'm thinking she added more because we had an urn
so the total she told me at the begining
it was 2610.00 plus the 850 the sister in law paid no urn, no service
(because of the covid)
I should have gotten the first quote emailed to me
death is fucking expensive
she threw on another 1535.00
I love Jimmy dearly he would have lost his mind because I just paid off the balance and called it a day
Taking advantage of a persons grief over a lost one is supposed to be immoral and illegal in some areas,
Me personally I would have become agitated and semi violent, if they call the PO-PO..
so be it....there's a valid reason for being upset and angry,
make this a public outcry Priml...put it on their facebook..WIKI...Twitter..make them looks so horrible they will reach out to you with a cease and desist order and you can just laugh at them...

Sorry you have to go thru this pain and bullshit over someone you loved dearly...
thank you so much just waiting on a death certificate then I'm gonna give them the only bad review online
those bitches the obit was posted in the paper today basically it was a picture of their place of business
freaking stupid I'm so mad
one more reason to hate that funeral home those fuckers forgot to list one of his brothers on the memorial page his son saw and let me know
even though I had told them twice that his brother had passed away a 5 years ago from cancer he should be there so had to inform them
they just begging me to go down there and burn that building down

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