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Loving Your Animal
About a week ago I was doing some landscaping, I take one of our dogs with me to help out and just to be there,
after a long hours or so worth of work, I picked her up and gave her a kiss on the lower jaw, to which she yelped,
I take a look and she has some serious plaque build up on one of her teeth,after some more working and noticing she is acting ok, were done so we go home,
Now later the next day she is acting in that I'm in pain mode , we take a look and sure enough, that lower jaw part is we set up the vet appointment for later that day,
Me, now I'm at work at the hospital when I get the news,she has a dental disease that need to be treated asap,
with a estimate of $2500, and don't wanna do it till late august, this cost me $92 for them to look at her mouth and tell me this,
Well shit, we go and a ask another vet, they quote $1100 >1800,
I'm now at a dilemma,I don't have that kind of money saved, i'm one of the 98% that doesn't even have $200 in savings thanks to our wonderful economy..bleah...

One of my coworkers tells me about Care Credit, a very useful credit system that turns out if you need money for a medical emergency, they will help you out if you pass the credit check ,
( give it a shot if you need to, I heard of people with shit credit getting 500 bucks for a doctors exam )
I took out a loan with 18months to pay it all back, If I don't keep up with the payments, I get hit with 26.99% interest rate,
We got the surgery done and after buying a insurance plan from the vet included with the whole package came roughly to $1400, she had two teeth just fall out during the procedure, pulled two incisors and four molars, gave her a whole buncha checkup procedures and bada boom, she is now home missing teeth and in alot of pain and discomfort, but home and with loved ones that are gonna baby her like there's no tomorrow,

So basically now everyone has been saying GAWDAMN man..that's BULLSHIT,why did you go and do that loan !!
Because my dog whom I love like one of my kids is crying in pain, who the f**k wouldn't go into debt for one of their loved ones,
I will sure as hell try and keep up with the payments, dunno what the final tally will be for the monthly payment but I will make do,

Thanks for reading my rant,
this was probably the only time I have been in a fairly decent state of mind to post this.
Yeah I understand that, I have pets & I like animals & you never know what you're willing to do till you see them in pain.
Often......MORE often than not it's not a matter what one is willing to do but able to do.
I'm glad you did something about it & it freaking sucks vets, animal hospitals are so expensive.
I wish treatment when it comes to animals care were cheaper/easier to attain & more available.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.

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