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Please Read BEFORE posting requests
Please Read BEFORE Posting Requests

1,) Be patient

2,) If you are a new member,please stop by the
introduce yourself section, say hi,
tell us about yourself, and be active in the forums...

3,) check the threads make sure your request isn't already listed...this can be done easily by using the search function at the top of the index page...

4,) uploaders do this for free, on our free time...
some work, have families, or both,
so please be patient.

5,) when you post your request it is not instantly that you will get it...
our uploaders are working as hard as they can.
it takes time to download, then convert, then upload, then post it here.
they maybe be working on other requests
it takes time..see point 1, above... Also don't ask for a show in another thread to push your request to the top. If it doesn't get filled don't keep on bumping until it's done.
6,) PM'ing uploaders doesn't get your request filled any only distracts the uploader and gets irritating, so don't do this unless told specifically by the uploader to PM him or her...

7,) SAY PLEASE AND THANK YOU!! a little courtesy goes a LONG way toward getting your requests filled...

8,) Don't not go into other THREADS and make requests the uploaders do check the request thread from time to time and requesting it in another thread is annoying to the uploaders.

9,) Any and all request go in the request thread and not other topics.

10,) Absolutely do not delete request and then re-request things we the mods pay attention to these things. Also it's not fair to others that actually wait.

PLEASE do not post in a uploaders request thread then PM other uploaders
for your are wasting an uploaders time if you have a few uploaders working on the same request.
who have other requests to be filled, and wasting space in the threads by multiple threads of the same season of the same show
Heh, someone pestering you for some new uploads ?
Redbear, post: 8505, member: 1 Wrote:Heh, someone pestering you for some new uploads ?
No some may have forgotten the rules.

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