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Nintendo Switch reportedly being bricked by third-party docks

WARNING! PROCEED WITH CAUTION when using third-party docks with your Nintendo Switch as some of them are reportedly bricking the hybrid console.

Docks form Nyko are some of the major culprits if Switch owners on Reddit and YouTuber Spawn Ware are to be believed, with the dock bricking Switch consoles following the 5.0 system update. Nyco offered to replace the latter's console, which would suggest that there's some truth behind its docks effectively breaking the Switch.

But there are plenty of people in Nintendo related forums across the web noting that other third-party docks are causing bricking problems, though some have reported no problems with non-official docks.

Nyko noted it's looking into the bricking, while Nintendo issued a statement to Kotaku warning Switch users to stay away from third-party docks and only by official Nintendo branded kit; but of course it would say that.

"Unlicensed products and accessories do not undergo Nintendo's testing and evaluation process. They might not work at all with our game systems, and they could have compatibility problems with certain games, the Nintendo Switch system itself, and other licensed accessories and peripherals," the company said.

The likely cause of the problem is in the code of the 5.0 update which was designed to improve the console's stability, which likely had the knock-on effect of messing with third-party docks.

While the Switch comes with a dock, some people like to keep that plugged into their main TV and have a cheaper spare dock to sling into a bag while travelling or using the Switch with an external display in another room without the faff of unplugging the official dock.

Given the Switch doesn't yet support cloud saves, getting it bricked risks losing game progress and data, which for people who've ploughed a 100+ hours into games like The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild must see them howling with rage.

[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
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