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I'm ba-ack!
No intro needed - I'm still the same ol'e shlopp I've always been.
Hope everybody is doing okee - dokee

and yes...


So without any farther ado - what's up, peeps?
- Good 2 b back! -

C. :punk:
Waddup Crash!

Most of you might not know Crash, he is one of the Founders from the Wicked Scene,
he is a Flight Sim maniac and also a Xbox fan I 'spose,
after our other forum was hijacked-bought by a maniac asshole that wanted to charge everyone for downloads,
we jumped ship ( well we were banned because we didnt agree with his policy's ) and started this place as Reds Cave,
after many transformations because I get bored easy..this is what we have now,
its been a long time building up, and im very proud and happy with the members i have in here now,
a small community where we all get along is just fine by me.

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