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If you notice here on the forum, under other members names is a applaud - smite tab,

if you like someones post, applaud them and give good karma,
think its a shit post..smite the fool and give them bad karma...

doesn't do anything except Karma points..
Cool but i don't think there should be a SMITE option.

1. Voting something down just opens up posts to spite votes.

2. Voting something down & methods like the option to give a dislike, SMITE, thumbs down, negative points, etc can discourage members from wanting to add content altogether especially If someone gain more SMITE then APPLAUD.

Members take time out of their lives to add uploads for whatever device others are requesting, add content, join or start discussions, or join & continue appearing on the forum at all.

I think when members don't like a post simply be brave enough to say it's not my tastes or don't say anything & avoid it altogether.

I think Members should be encouraged to post with no negative votes as an option.
[Image: j5VZJ0l.jpg]
Screw realism.
Screw being practical.
Screw representation.
Screw Woke/PC BS.

When Ya got the tools, ya got the talent, & the freedom.
The reason one draws stuff like this is because they can.
I put it in just as a curiosity, doesn't really add any value to the forum.

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