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RE: Opinion Time - Sumato - 06-25-2022

So folks,
What are your thoughts on the Roe vs Wade reversal by the Supreme Courts?

RE: Opinion Time - Sumato - 06-29-2022

After all the discussions about it online everywhere, no one has an opinion of it..

Let me tell you I think itsa wrong move, now people are up in arms about their religious values being trod upon by some religions that allow Abortions, such as Judaism,Protestant denominations such as the Methodist Church, United Church of Christ, Presbyterian Church (USA), and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America,
And the supreme court decides to rule on what a person is allowed to do with their body after a disturbing occurrence such as rape, incest or even a hereditary debilitating genetic disorder.
its a bad decision thats probably gonna come back and bite 'em in the butt.

RE: Opinion Time - VSW - 06-29-2022

It's odd this pops up now though, why the reversal is what I'm wondering.

RE: Opinion Time - Sumato - 06-29-2022

Most people I've spoken with about it believes that it could be political, more importantly it creates a larger rift in our society, there has always been a Us vs Them mentality, this just brings it to another level,
someone's fanning the flames.

RE: Opinion Time - Dr.Lost - 07-03-2022

Throw em all out and start fresh. This is the land of the free. Free to do whatever they want. Personally I do not agree with abortion, I believe it's a right though. Yes your body your choice 100%

On the crazy side of this.... why is the elite getting rid of their adrenochrome supply?

RE: Opinion Time - Loops Mctwist - 07-06-2022

The Roe vs Wade reversal doesn't just limit the rights that women have over their bodies but also puts their health or even lifes at risk.

There are severe pregnancy complications that makes an abortion necessary like chemoherapy or medication that can’t be used while pregnant,the pregnancy or giving birth is health or life threatening,there could be a high risk of miscarriage or stillbirth and a serious or fatal foetal abnormality could be found during a antenatal test.

It's a stupid decision that should have never happened.

RE: Opinion Time - Sumato - 07-07-2022

Loops Mctwist, post: 67239, member: 102 Wrote:The Roe vs Wade reversal doesn't just limit the rights that women have over their bodies but also puts their health or even life's at risk.

There are severe pregnancy complications that makes an abortion necessary like chemotherapy or medication that can’t be used while pregnant,the pregnancy or giving birth is health or life threatening,there could be a high risk of miscarriage or stillbirth and a serious or fatal fetal abnormality could be found during a antenatal test.

It's a stupid decision that should have never happened.
You're right on all counts, and it was stupid to have gone through,
they must've thought they were pretty high up on their horses to think their decision would just swing on by
without any fuss...
and to think we were already divided because of the Frump situations,
this sort of political stunt just divides us even further as a nation.

RE: Opinion Time - Dr.Lost - 07-07-2022

Cue the shooting and bombs and rallies again. It's all a bunch of bullshit. Feather and Tar em all and I mean all of em, parade them down the street. As it is written on the documents they say they defend? Bunch of pocket stuffing traitors. Everything they do isn't for the good of the American people it to put forth whoever is lining their pockets. Shit getting old quick, eventually people will get tired of it. History has a great way of repeating and oppressing the people you claim to make decisions about never goes well for either side.

RE: Opinion Time - Sumato - 07-11-2022

I have an opinion alright..
and it hasn't anything to do with this post