Backup Ghetto
Re-introduction of sorts. - Printable Version

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RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - The Sorrow - 01-24-2018

Hey y'all. Most of you know me, but I feel I should introduce myself here.
I'm The Sorrow, or just Sorrow.

I'm one of the people who runs the PSP Ghetto (Site this one is a back up of).
I'm 26 yrs old, I live in Canada.

I'm an avid music listener and an amateur musician (I play guitar).
For about the last year, I haven't been as active as I used to be on the forum scene.
Buuuuut, I'm gonna try to be more active here. As my discord has died down a little in activity. Lol.

But yeah, good to meet all the new people I've seen here.

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - Kwa - 01-24-2018

Wuss good, how u been..

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - Sumato - 01-25-2018

Thanks for the introduction Sorrow, and glad to have you aboard.

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - The Sorrow - 01-25-2018

And I've been good Kwa.
I moved to a new city, I just got a new job which I sadly don't start until the 4th for some stupid reason.
Other than that, things are swell.

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - Kwa - 01-25-2018

Okay, I recently had an interview for an permanent spot yesterday(wednesday), since peak season been over I sign up for a job, I feel that i got it,
Just waiting on a call to get started, I get paid weekly but sadly my pay rate is only $9.50, unless I learn to operate a power jack and some other equipment/scan...

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - The Sorrow - 01-26-2018

9.50? Jesus, that's slave labor. I work in a grocery store and I get paid almost $14.

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - Sumato - 01-27-2018

Depends on what state hes at and the minimum wage level,

But ya..that's almost federal pay rates.

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - The Sorrow - 01-27-2018

That's whack as fuck.
Hopefully your government increases the wages.

Minimum wage is supposed to increase to $15 this year here.

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - Kwa - 01-27-2018

I know, 9.50 an hour is whack, the only good thing, I get paid weekly, shit it's Macy's logistic, light work, if I learn the power jack and another equipment, I can get my rate up to $11.00 a still get paid weekly, but it's gonna take
It's just better than nothing man, it's hard to get a job where I'm at, especially for guys like me, all cuz lack of experience in many things and it sucks.
My mother is worst, I can say I will be making more than my mother, I'm probably looking at $300+ every week, which ain't to bad in a way, well for me that is...

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - Kwa - 01-27-2018

I guess my government is different from all of y'all

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - The Sorrow - 01-29-2018

Well I do live in a different country lol

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - Kwa - 01-29-2018

i know, ur country has it good, not so much where i'm at, hard to get a job where i'm at even for guys like me...

P.s, i can't believe u put that old post on

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - The Sorrow - 01-30-2018

Canada is meh.
And you're just noticing that now? Lol.

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - Kwa - 01-31-2018

no, i been notice it a few days ago, it's getting

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - The Sorrow - 01-31-2018

It's my favorite moment in Kwa history.

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - Kwa - 01-31-2018

Wow, embarrassing, for over 2 years i been a ghetto member, that's your moment,
I fucked up that time in

RE: Re-introduction of sorts. - The Sorrow - 01-31-2018
