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Christmas decorations, too soon? - Printable Version

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RE: Christmas decorations, too soon? - prmlscreem - 11-02-2021

So My Mall has it's Christmas decorations up already, (I'm sure others do as well)
I posted pics on facebook ,,I got one person with all that family tradition stuff don't complain ..LMFAO wtf?
this isn't about that. it's the mall they don't give a flying fuck about anyone's family traditions
it's the almighty dollar. simple as that.
black friday stores charge low prices ..guess what? they can charge that year round. again that all mighty dollar
you want to put your tree up now ..sure go ahead.
but think why are you?
is it because stores are already decorating?

I was asked if I was ..salty? no I don't do salty I'm pretty mad

RE: Christmas decorations, too soon? - Sumato - 11-03-2021

Oh yea, its not even November and they were putting up all the Christmas crap...
fuck them and their institutionalized traditions,
making consumers go present mad for a birth holiday that probably happened 6 months ago...

RE: Christmas decorations, too soon? - VSW - 11-03-2021

Yup too soon.
It looks like an atempt on cashing in on Christmas by retail outlets.

RE: Christmas decorations, too soon? - prmlscreem - 11-03-2021

I knew I wasn't crazy LOL ..well you know *shrugs*
this is the earliest they have put up that tree because I post it every year saying it goes up earlier every year and it comes up in my memories.
on the news this morning I saw that Target Plans on running a black Friday ad every week til Christmas the next story on the news was saying get your shopping done early incase of stock shortage
basically everyone get your Christmas panic on! ...bitches

RE: Christmas decorations, too soon? - prmlscreem - 11-04-2021

so I cut through J.C. Penny's today to the bus stop at the mall ..yep they playing Christmas music wtf

RE: Christmas decorations, too soon? - Sumato - 11-04-2021

JCPenneys sucks nutz now.
I remember when we got their catalog right along side the Montgomery Wards and Sears & Roebucks catalogs, each weighing a couple of pounds apiece and almost as thick as the phone book.

RE: Christmas decorations, too soon? - prmlscreem - 11-06-2021

Redbear, post: 58460, member: 1 Wrote:JCPenneys sucks nutz now.
I remember when we got their catalog right along side the Montgomery Wards and Sears & Roebucks catalogs, each weighing a couple of pounds apiece and almost as thick as the phone book.
omg right? right after thanksgiving smdh that"s when all the Christmas commercials would start as well right after the Macy's Parade